Dumping oldchainlink memes

only my old computer and gonna dump a bunch of old link memes from 2017 on. In general, gonna dump a lot of old Zig Forums memes.
would be nice to see some of these get recirculated again.

Attached: 1554437303082.jpg (1024x888, 483.92K)

Attached: 1538597218942.png (1255x381, 162.14K)

Attached: 377bb66bf7f43331ce8ddb37da201d4e.png (1861x203, 30.29K)

Attached: 1516997649029.jpg (1830x349, 215.74K)

Attached: vM1pGHgNcyCiQRvSQdb7FYv3WU8AB9ouWyWcDgbk8LS52KkYzDpfKPBEMQLyNtzPFRGbqM6pDrvVKirqtbMExQC5Qxg2eXoFiStj1ZP4BGqR99Zn7VSWHeaHs9ZP8hdbsfFLQYE.jpg (640x429, 122.4K)

Attached: 1516891437962.png (1169x768, 866.35K)

Attached: 1517278158590.jpg (1280x720, 355.52K)

my all time favorite link meme

Attached: 1516892105411.jpg (800x377, 62.17K)


Attached: 1559118930525.jpg (1280x720, 397.76K)

Attached: dd3b66514fcb1b136dbd878f39e970d0.png (1056x435, 63.98K)

Just wanted to bump and let you know someone appreciates the image dump.

Do you have the old DGB copypastas? The fucking five post ones about the dude who gambled away his whole bankroll but had one magic play left? He was unironically a talented writer desu I hope he didnt neck himself.

I better see one of my memes here or it’s fuckin ogre for you buddy

heres a pic of I think the oldschool smartcontract website

Attached: 2d509cc2d6d9be7f3e3974df534de063.png (1900x876, 646.57K)

anytime, user
hmm... I dont think I do
I know the guy who makes these memes posts often. Maybe you?

Attached: 1546573721774.jpg (1383x628, 149.59K)

I saved this around the time of the new website launch.
Whoever posted that pic was a HQ version of the new LINK logos/infographs and Im convinced it was a member of the team who dumped it so we can make memes about it. Notice the laissez-faire comment

Attached: 3f942487cc67c9b2f964be8fc09675f2 (1).png (570x175, 35.92K)

the forbidden picture

Attached: 1552028108296.jpg (800x453, 78.34K)


Attached: 1524173629246.png (400x350, 81.86K)

Attached: 1517016733933.jpg (602x800, 544.03K)

not many of us left still browsing.
But we are still here :)

Attached: 1517277268963.jpg (600x333, 62.02K)

Attached: 9dfc668fc66755375b4b595b0732a613a9c4ddbe.jpg (600x600, 240.47K)

got more?

checking myself

Attached: 1559118812739.jpg (960x916, 612.05K)

Attached: 1517368184377.jpg (1000x800, 566.82K)

Attached: 1537841170939.png (1280x720, 1.32M)

Attached: 1546524298650.jpg (5185x5004, 2.67M)

Attached: 1542074357756.jpg (810x1520, 412.42K)

Attached: 1517044684257.jpg (545x227, 34.56K)

Attached: 1547243055501.jpg (1200x800, 264.47K)

Attached: 1542003616716.png (1036x421, 277.41K)

Attached: 1532572693365.png (626x389, 52.33K)


Attached: 1524416560883.jpg (279x402, 128.35K)

Attached: 1539492894114.jpg (600x486, 184.75K)

Attached: 1517714534169.png (1350x2700, 3.86M)

Attached: 1558423604191.png (2635x1440, 3.23M)

Attached: 1519416480086.jpg (2000x1333, 607.8K)

classic Zig Forums

Attached: mKnK3cG.png (559x989, 62.36K)

Assblaster (peace be upon him)

Attached: c8a759a7a2637a66d7fab9966d155be8.png (1898x358, 105.71K)

Attached: 1554429032354.png (1088x286, 129.54K)

32 cents.... oh how far we've come....

Attached: DABONNOLNKER.png (1262x732, 329.84K)

Attached: 1539195603475.jpg (2560x1429, 1008.65K)

Attached: 1544070734737.jpg (577x653, 61.04K)

if you remember this you're a real one

Attached: trumpcoin.png (225x225, 4.68K)