Why is it volume so low?

any logic answer? No one wants to sell at these prices?
Also no one wants to buy at these prices... but who is right and who is wrong and why?

My opinion: since the people who don't want to sell now is because they are in profit (and not bagholding) while the people who wanna buy low are probably newcomers and swingy left behind, well then the people who don't want to sell now should be the ''saviour'' the whales. (So better going with them)

Could you rate my tought processing please? 106 IQ
If you are IQQer than me... show me with a valid controargument please

P.S. meme fudders ignored. Don't even try you won't get (((Yous)))

Attached: Wasthat?.png (600x606, 710.28K)

21.6.2020 = 216

We have astrology on our side, we will make it

This marks the turning point:




>should be the ''saviour'
should be the wisers*
sorry I am belgian

A lot of Link keeps leaving exchanges, probably in anticipation of staking.
There is less Link to be traded and price predictions are high, some say 8 dollars some say 200 some say 1000+ so people dont want to sell but keep buying every dip.
Basically People are now starting to figure out what we knew almost 3 years ago.


It was announced last week that Chainlink is a founding member of a token standards alliance with Microsoft, IBM, Nasdaq, etc.

So everyone ran for the hills, obviously.

>no one wants to buy at these prices

smart people wouldn't touch this scam with a 100 feet pole

bagholding idiots are in denial and hodl

Nobody is selling. Look at the exchange outflow and if you’re Autistic enough go through the Top 1000 wallets one by one and see for yourself. Like the other user said, probably the market as a whole starting to recognize what we recognized 3 years ago. Pays to be early.

How much money did you miss out on by not investing?

>Nobody is selling
eh but there is no buy pressure why?

How about no one wants to buy a peaked scam at the absolute top?


what if covid 2th wave and economy collapse?
wouldn't Link go down with economy like it did in March?
Basically this economy bump is fake and can't last long.. at the first signs of a bear event it gonna dump hard

>it's another "Pajeet getting paid 2 rupees per use of the word scam" episode

>How about no one wants to buy a peaked scam at the absolute top?
This doesn't make sense user because if it was a scam whales would have dumped it especially after thi last pump.. but if whales don't sell it means it found a floor here......

lol, nigger, I am well-educated chad who t know the meaning of words and tend to call things by its proper names lmao

>link is tied to btc, which is tied to artificially pumped stonks
>no one wants to buy link because they know the price will fall once stonks go down
>no one wants to sell because people who hold link have always been aiming for a higher price

Try typing that again without the vindaloo slick on your keyboard.

I'm still buying a little bit of it regularly, I think I'm addicted

In an economy where so much money is printed, nobody wants to hold on to cash.
Stonks will rise further, about 30% at least, over the coming 2 months.

>Also no one wants to buy at these prices
Then why is the price going down you dipshit

>>link is tied to btc, which is tied to artificially pumped stonks
yes this is true
>>no one wants to buy link because they know the price will fall once stonks go down
will they go down in the near future? When and why?
>>no one wants to sell because people who hold link have always been aiming for a higher price

>>link is tied to btc, which is tied to artificially pumped stonks
btc pumped before stocks by the way

>Stonks will rise further, about 30% at least, over the coming 2 months
why? rising based on what?

>Strathvale House, 90 North Church Street, George Town, KY1-1102, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

SATS value retard.

>>Also no one wants to buy at these prices
>Then why is the price going down you dipshit

Maybe because there is NO new money to buy it and only oldfags are left at the top aiming for higher prices

I am scared of another dump down by the way and of the fact that I didn't sold.
Is there any chainLin event in the next months?

because shitcoins are always low volume scams made worse by broken economics that encourage liquidity crises.

Staking will make it even worse.

Attached: 25226EF2-D663-4A71-82E8-B604C1630A53.jpg (1315x739, 203.58K)

Bots turned off

I am getting Req vibes, bros