I went too far trying to redpill my gf and I think she's lost all respect for me.
Is there any coming back from this or should I just end it with some dignity left.
I went too far trying to redpill my gf and I think she's lost all respect for me.
Is there any coming back from this or should I just end it with some dignity left.
That gif
Honestly its probably more drugs than them being monkeys but still.
Your gf is literally made for BBC, what did you expect for happen?
imagine being a nigger knowing youll always be a low IQ mouth breathing mud thrower. Niggers will eventually die off, just a matter of time.
Horrifying to think what will happen to whites when we no longer have control. We are already a global minority.
As for your gf, talk to her about what she thinks. Do not give her any more redpills or debates, just judge from her own views on what you have already said whether it is best to move on or not if you disagree too much.
youre a fucking retard if you ever think america is going to be ran by anything other than white jews lol
This isn’t pol you stupid faggot and your obvious insecurities about the black man just ensured when she’s done with you (soon) she’ll go get a bbc
addicted porn brainlet spotted! majority of women are disgusted by blacks,
Are Jews white now?
over your head big brain
>gotta help the """minorities"""
>whites are a shrinking group of people, whose countries invite shitskins from every overpopulated dirthole into our cities.
we have at most 10 more years of "good" times (aka white majority) in europe.
Look at this pyramid of germany, the red is migrants. look at the age range of 0-20. THEY ARE THE MAJORITY IN EVERY MAJOR WESTERN EUROPEAN CITY
She is not interested as I thoroughly vetted her before I decided to show my true colors although her best friend is a coalburner and she always sticks up for her.
The dude is actually decent but we fight about it all the time. I pretty much call her a dumb and selfish for destroyed her family relationships (first gen polish immigrants and pretty much disowned her when they found out, she burns coal because of daddy issues) and will never relate to her ugly mongoloid kids and she says "you can't help who you love".
God why are women so fucking retarded.
Now's the time to drop the animepill on her.
Polish women are known whores user. I know and have fucked a few.
around blacks never relax. what did he think was gonna happen? should've left as soon as he saw them. 0 survival instinct. Whenever I see a crowd of blacks I boogie
You're wasting your time debating with your girlfriend user.
Women don't work that way, they will change their outlook to fit into your world if your frame is strong enough.
Her respect is not the same as your friends respect for you, it is a vacuous thing that is not worth worrying about.
Lay down and enforce boundaries with her, she will either comply or rebel.
Don't be afraid to leave her or withdraw your commitment to her, if she thinks she has you emotionally entrapped or that he has control over the relationship then all is lost anyway.
tell her eastern europeans are subhuman scum and literally the niggers of europe
if she says anything other than "youre right" get rid of her and never speak to her again, she is probably a fellow gypsy
You're very optimistic, stupid people are literally too dumb to ever suffer, they also breed like rabbits.
"You are a fucking fool because you can't see the clear reason why your family disowned you. I would have done the same and it's amazing your total lack of self-awareness and glee in throwing away your gift. Don't talk to me anymore."
They are doing that because they are sober.
Women don't like black people or indians (Red dot ones) because of they way they treat them.
Share some FEET pics and I'll let you know if it's worth it
can confirm
How many of those migrants are Eastern Europeans and how many are niggers
whats the move here?
literally just never be alone around black people?
carry a gun
You made her sad, OP. But worry not! Tyrone finna holla at her and cheer her up.
this was 2015. its unironically over for western germany. i predict a movement of the few germans who didnt fall for the rapefugee psy-op to the east will happen in 5-10 years
Nigga , That Bitch Be Seeming Mad Now But She Do Be Thinking Maybe This Crazy Fuck Right , All She Need To See Is One Chimp Ass Mothafucka Beatin On A Old White Bitch And Her Mind Might Start To Change
If She Ain’t Accepting Your Power Level U Gotta Say , Bye Bitch , Thanks For The Pussy
i considered that, but again whats the move?
just start executing literally 10+ people?
because if you pull the gun, you better be willing to shoot instantly, otherwise if one of them is packing youre dead
No, look at everywhere else this has happened.