About to get evicted what causes the most expensive property damage
About to get evicted what causes the most expensive property damage
flush cement
Just leave peacefully and be nice to your landlord
Just rice works and is more subtle although somewhat easier to fix
1) Hire a cow
2) Make holes in the wall, hide steaks and fish in them, close the holes
3) Cookroaches
Killing yourself. Then haunting the place. Do it, faggot retard homosexual cuck onions cuckold
A few inches of water covering the floor
buy some termites
If it's multiple floors, walk a cow upstairs. Cows can't walk down stairs so they will have to demolish your room wall and get a crane to haul it out.
unironically funniest post ive read today
A band of homeless niggers inside the property.
Get a huge post of boiling water like a giant soup pot. Maybe also get an electric burner so you can place it in the middle of your apartment.
Put as many cloves of garlic, oil and fish sauce inside the pot. Let all the evaporations of the pot get into the place. The oil will carry a little bit of the fish and garlic smell when the water evaporates. They will never be able to get the smell out unless they literally tear down the walls. Plus you can’t prove it was real damage, so you should be entitled to the full security deposit back.
>usually takes a crane to get them out
i cant believe that thread is ten years old now
Water by far.
flush a few diapers down the shitter.
i had some nig on SEC8 in one of my rentals do this. cost me a few hundo to get jose over and fix it
Back when Zig Forums was funny. Now its just 95% porn and 5% threads regurgitating funny shit that happened there in the past
A few liters of HCl down the drain to damage all the piping should be tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.
the kind of HCL you can get as a normie isn't going to do shit to most PVC pipes that are in modern homes.
Stuff fish in the window blinds
They’ll never know where the smell is coming from
Make a small hole in the ceiling buy 100s of roaches off eBay in bulk ($15-20) try to put all the roaches in said hole and cover it back up with plaster. Next make tiny incisions all around the apartment walls
Do the same thing as above but pour sugar in the holes with funnels.
Get some frozen fish from the store and put them in the air vents, as far back as you can. If you put them there right before you leave, it won’t smell bad for the inspection, but in a few days after they thaw and begin to rot the place will be rank
This. Also put termites and rodents in the walls
Imagine how you’ll feel when one of your future tenants screws you over.
You do of course picture yourself as a future lord, don’t you?
What about just owning your own home and not being an exploitative, parasitic sack of shit??? You know, like most people do.
I inherited my grandfather's house after my grandmother died, he built it with his own hands, I don't want to live in that area but I don't want to sell their house, so I rent it out and my renter is happy to live in the house, why is this somehow evil to you?
move in
You’re a leach who makes money off of working people’s sweat, no matter how much you justify it.
ok, I guess I could just let my grandparents home sit empty, even though it still takes money to maintain it and to pay the property taxes...or I could let someone who was stuck in a shitty apartment pay me to cover the costs of the house because I'm not a retard like you apparently are.
ruin their home by leaving a body for them to clean up! your body! Hahaha, boy will their face be red when they have to deal with a human corpse!
Eh, it's ot like he's a California landlord, most rent in the u.s. ends up costing like 20-30$ a day, if you're not making enough to pay rent then don't commit to it.
Buy fish, stuff the curtain rods and other things with fish. They'll go insane trying to find the source of the smell. Also, unscrew the light switch and outlet faceplates, put fish in there too.
Find termites, put them in the attic near the roof.
If you can convince your local municipality that the building is historic in some way, that might cause problems for the landlord.