Everything that's happening right now is because of China

Everything that's happening right now is because of China.
Your fear, anger, denial and rage are a result of these fucks withdrawing the information about the virus.
They knew about it in late October, they allowed it to spread in December, the busiest time for the Airports.
You shouldn't be losing anything, the market was at the all time high, our economy was strong and yet continued to develop.

Be angry, be mad, but direct your rage. China should pay for what they've done to our world on many occasions. We should fucking plunder their resources and use them to fix our countries. Their entire Government should be executed for the violations of the human rights and organ harvesting.
You know it's true, you know it's justice. Fuck Communism.

Attached: 151322.jpg (300x168, 12.91K)

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you sound like a glownigger but you are actually right.

It’s true. China must be stopped at all costs.

>Everything that's happening right now is because of Jews.
>Your fear, anger, denial and rage are a result of these fucks withdrawing the information about the virus.
>They knew about it in late October, they allowed it to spread in December, the busiest time for the Airports.
>You shouldn't be losing anything, the market was at the all time high, our economy was strong and yet continued to develop.
>Be angry, be mad, but direct your rage. Jews should pay for what they've done to our world on many occasions. We should fucking plunder their resources and use them to fix our countries. Their entire Government should be executed for the violations of the human rights and organ harvesting.
>You know it's true, you know it's justice. Fuck Jews.

You’re not wrong, op.


this but nothing will change. the people the pull the strings will keep on pulling while we continue to burn our cities down and quite literally worship black cock. the west has been destroyed and the only thing we can hope for is an unavoidable collision course with a meteor the size of the empire state building to level the entire planet and kill everyone
fuck jannies
fuck niggers
heil hitler

>demoralization post
i dont know if you believe we have lost but the battle isnt over until you are dead and chances are it doesnt end then either

I just wish our Leaders realized it's time to declare war on these psychopaths.
I'm not giving up, I didn't gave up to the SJW "Culture", even when they're obviously winning and continue to infect another generation. I can't give up, this degeneracy will not stand.

fucking kike