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On the one hand I agree with Warren Buffett that a big dip is imminent.
On the other hand Trump has got an economic reputation to hold to get a chance for a second term, so he would not just lie about this.


Yes america will fucking crash and it'll be glorious

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>I see the numbers also, and do MUCH better than they do
What does he even mean by this? I voted for him but he says such retarded things sometimes

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The last two Presidents to call out the FED got shot, and Donnie is blasting their butts on Twatter.
I'm inclined to trust Trump, SPY 500 12-21

Stop Tweeting you dumb faggot. Someone take the keyboard away from him.

i've reached the acceptance stage at this point, but still voting for him just because it pisses off so many annoying cunts

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Trump only needs to keep the stock market propped up until November. I heard that sometimes politicians win elections by telling people what they want to hear, regardless of whether they agree with it or not.

the only thing holding up this phony baloney economy is jpow and his infinite print cheat code. If Donnie starts fucking around with shit he's going to cause the whole thing to collapse into the center of the universe

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>plebbit spacing
>implying anyone is going to vote for biden
>implying anyone is going to vote left after all this shit

He means that he sees the numbers more clearly than they do, brainlet

>I am so glad i listened to mnuchin and sent the secret service against bitcoiner libertarians
>Thank you mnuchin your advice was great , imagine how bad we would be now if we had not sent the secret service to stop cryptocurrency and declared right wingers the biggest national security threat.


The stock market bullshit is giving more and more power for commies as they pump the markets to the sky while the real economy is suffering.

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It can't dip any further, everything is on fire sale right now, fucking fud faggots and nu investors are shitting the bed, this is a shake up, new idiots who threw 5k on the market last week from their paycheck and will sell today for half the price will never invest again.

I lost all my fucking gains today but I took a small profit and once the slaughter is over I'll have enough you start over from the 300 I put last month.

Weak hans should perish, my only regret is tiying all my money yesterday, I want to buy more today.

Buy the fucking dip

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biden is leading the polls right now

Just like Clinton? Lol

>the polls

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>heh i see numbers better than you do heh heh

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I mean, sure he could lose, but nobody knows the outcome right now. Why should Trump care about anything else than the reelection?

If you really want to be free, buy VRA before it goes up any higher and hold.

Because he's an egotistical busybody that has to be involved in and have a say in everything. We don't get to pick our champions user, he's kind of a clown but he's the only politician in DC that actually cares about the future of this country.

What makes you think that?
I mean, if he was a true patriot, he wouldn't have dodged the draft, and his granddaughter wouldn't be learning Chinese

There's a difference between someone's individual character and the policies they institute user. Reagan->GHWB->Clinton->GWB->Obama all put on a great face, were great actors, presented as stand up men, but if you examine their greater economic policy they perpetuated the process of selling out the United States to the world on immigration and trade.

It took a bullheaded, egotistical outsider to break the establishment, 2-party monopoly on that. They tear at him constantly to this day and are willing to push in a quite literally senile crony lifer to get him out. Don't get caught up in minutiae like "what was Donald Trump doing in the 1970's" when the bigger issue is how we're going to adjust on an economic and geopolitical basis.

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why do people think trump can control the stock market? if he is so powerful, why doesn't he just make the economy good in the first place rather than follow your idiotic theory that he can prop up the market to fake it till November. fact his trump has no clue wtf to do, how do people not see right through his bs? the economy was on its last legs before 'rona and now it's crippled for years. stock market crashed twice already under trump and it can again. Trump can't do shit or we'd actually have a strong economy to begin with. not just fake digits and pump and dumps by his fed.

>That's my opinion.
I hate that this retard is the best we have.

I agree with you that Trump is an outsider, and that he appeals to a group of voters that had been previously ignored by the establisment.
I just don't believe he does it out of some deeper lover for his country, I think he simply wants power. Once he is reelected, he won't have any use for his voter base.

Nice, just injected 100 gallons of disinfectant

>Trump sees the numbers better
>he and his sons were saying 30k was just the beginning just in February

Just like 2018? Lol

If Americans want to work for Chinese wages then that’s fine with me. Otherwise fuck off and stop complaining. The 1950s aren’t coming back. Don’t get butthurt that other people will work for less money for longer hours than you want to.

You could construe it as pride. Maybe he wants to be remembered as the guy who fought DC, won, and ushered in a new American golden age. It really doesn't matter, if someone's objectives are in line with yours you take what you can get.

>dude stop complaining about the mass sell-off of American working class jobs after we arbitrarily instituted a gross amount of regulations and wage/living standards that upped the bar to a point where American industry couldn't compete with our new friend, China

I don't want to live in a nation composed of nurses, waitresses, and uber drivers, user. I want a healthy, productive, enfranchised nation of independent people that can vote with their mind, not their immediate needs. Cutting millions off from their work and sending that overseas is precisely how you create a brooding socialist revolution. There is much more going on than just "durr you guys get paid too much, too bad", this is about the future of the United States and its democratic integrity.

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>if someone's objectives are in line with yours you take what you can get
I agree, I just think that his objective will stop to be in line with yours after the next election.

Personally I doubt that it is in his or any other presidents power to usher a new gold age for America. The cold war with China is coming, one way or the other. I do not believe America will manage to remain the world hegemon for long.

If he had pride and believed in his 2016 promises he wouldn't have rolled over and signed the first omnibus (with virtually NO border wall funding) without a fight.

This guy gets it.
We should work and increase the living standards of ourselves and others.
Not take pride in being the one who is willing to slave for less.

He's still quite feckless dude. He's been under investigation constantly, people protest right outside of his house every day. We're quite, quite far from the "fascist dictator" people envision, he has to do everything with two arms weighted down.

I would be happy if he directed the conversation that way, even if he never managed to be "the one" that turned the course against China.

He didn't have Senate support. As it stands he's managed to get funding and work done through different, very creative methods, despite serious opposition in Congress and the courts.

>it’s the governments fault that I won’t work for Chinese wages at Chinese hours

Sorry you’re getting your asses kicked by some chinks that can barely read. Your corporate masters were more than happy to sell you out for higher profit margins, no government boogeyman required (but if you want to abolish safety regulations too then be my guest). Hopefully Daddy Trump can help you learn to code or something so you all can get real jobs instead of pining for the good old days. Maximizing profit and cutting costs is a cornerstone of capitalism; sorry you can’t hack it.

>He didn't have Senate support.
He didn't even try to push back.

The truth is the system cannot self correct anymore. It tried with Obama. It tried with Trump. Whatever you say about both these presidens, they were elected because people wanted things to improve. Instead they got fucked.
Enjoy the last days anons. It might be a month, it might be years but its clear now were on a path towards disaster.

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This. Not to mention a nigger loving prison reform bill, a worldwide push to legalize homosexuality, pardoning literal kikes who hire illegals, gun grabbing, and non stop Israeli cocksucking just to name a few.

It's the governments fault that we are being asked to directly compete with them.

Yes. Cause the gov can easily put tarrifs on chinese import and promote american businesses. Fuck globalism and fuck you.


I don't think he is a fascist dictator. I think he will use his second term to cozy um with the establishment, in order to ensure lucrative position for his family clan. This is at least what I would do in his position.
Also, I am curious why you are in such a strong support of an anti Chinese course. What do you get out of it?

No, we’re just in the death throws of white majority America. As soon as we’re majority nonwhite they’ll have enough numbers to back both chambers and the courts and finally ram their agenda down our throats.

the system is working as designed, to funnel all money to the wealthiest people, everything else is just window dressing

Don't forget. No matter how bad the problem is, you can make it worse.

He had literally just taken office. He's achieved what he set out to do, the wall is being built with DoD funding. Despite constant outcry that he was being a Hitler he's significantly stemmed illegal inflow. I don't know why you're so intent on convincing me that the guy I begrudgingly voted for to set out a job, a guy that I've scrutinized every week since then to see if he's doing it, is not doing it. Yes he is, despite massive opposition he's achieving it. Think about how easy it would have been for him to go the classic neocon pushover route and just give up on everything but the babbiest shit. Dude may be a cock but he's also a battler.

>socialism is good when I want it


I'd rather write in Adolf Hitler. Hopefully if enough people do it the media will report it and freak the fuck out

>t. tranny who wishes his wound were one

Clinton still won the popular vote. And Biden is leading in every battle ground state. Trump was actually even in states like MI, WI, NH, and NC. Now he's behind everywhere, including Arizona of all places

Illegal border crossings reached a record under Daddy, according to the Border Patrol’s own stats.

He's just having the FED print more money. Devaluing the dollar to make it look like he's a super hero when truthfully he's a nervous wreck and a complete fool. This is why crypto is going to be so important in the near future.

>What do you get out of it?

This is just what I've personally zeroed in on as America's greatest existential threat today. They're our #1 competitor, economically and geopolitically, and they don't hide the fact that their goal is to take over the top spot on the globe. They're ideologically rotten with quasi communist authoritarianism and their gradual takeover of the world represents a similar threat to the USSR.

At this point, they've stripped the United States of millions of important manufacturing jobs while engaging in IP theft and espionage. I believe they conduct ideological warfare by fomenting socialist and communist sentiment here. They already have the West Coast firmly under their boot and their goal is to have the rest of the country capitulate and vote their way. It's a lot more precarious than you think, easy to get comfortable when danger hasn't gotten to your doorstep yet.

>He's achieved what he set out to do
and what is that, exactly?

1. They oversample their side by 10-20 percent.
2. Even if they don't want to oversample, no one on the right will answer polls. Because of cancel culture, the threat of a polling call being fake to dox and ruin their lives is a very real threat.