Hey guys Chainlink is crashing

Just thought you should know. $1000 any minute now

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Oh no, not that detective faggot again

>O-oh no, he's making fun of me again for believing so many lies!

Unironically, ____

Aren't you a top 120 wallet holder? Seem to remember that post around the Google announcement


Based uncle how you doing brother?

Good god ponzimarines are done for, 3 years for a fucking 10x? That’s it? You guys are a joke and pathetic. LINK is a useless erc20 vaporware shit token run by a russian philosophy majoring con artist. No idea how you subhumans got duped this hard, must be the jonestown punch. Talking about LINK, that reminds me, you cultists always say “NEVER SELL, SWINGLINKERS GET THE ROPE” but ironically enough all LINK hodlers will rope when the Oz curtain gets pulled back and you all realize everything was a lie and the emperor has no clothes on, and that emperor sergey was running the most insidious and diabolical ponzi scheme in the written history of the world. This has gotten so bad that sergey will make madoff look like a kid with downsyndrome playing chess against bobby fischer. I tip my hat to sergey, he’s the king of kings among con men, regardless of how maniacal he is. Will be absolutely unprecedentedly humorous when this fat fuck runs off to some third world shithole along with hundreds of millions of NEET donations. There’s a reason the json parser house made of straws is based in the caymans. There’s a reason a literal pornstar manages the trust fund. There’s a reason sergeys father drives a cherry red lambo, where’s the lambos off LINK? That’s right you idiots just provided liquidity for the biweekly dumps. There’s a reason staking isn’t coming out. There’s a reason vitalik called the project a joke. There’s a reason no major company has partnered up, besides MOAB that is, a literal exitscam scamcoin. There’s a reason rory got caught subtweeting sergey about ripping off ETH from smoothbrains. There’s a reason sergey sits alone at every conference he attends. There’s a reason, drunkanon, assblaster, linkjesus all the other countless LARPs completely flopped. There’s a reason the price can’t touch above a cup of coffee. One reason, LINK is a scam.

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See, the thing is, if someone bought link then he [is already retarded of course, but that's not the point] quickly realizes that he fell for a meme and bought a literal shitcoin. So, what is his next step? He goes to /biz and starts to shill his shitlink, hoping that the price will go up again and he will get rif of the bags.
Of course that doesn't happen.
So, the linktard gets more and more frustrated and addicted to the link memes. Finally, the IQ of the linktard (already in critically low double digits, even before buying the memetoken) falls below the level of ambient air temperature, his consciousness switches off and the peripheral nervous system involuntarily connects to the hive mind of link shill collective on /biz.
Then, a linktard transforms into a new form, which is called linkshill.
The linkshill is completely lost to the humanity, he cannot be reasoned with and you cannot sway him with arguments. Linkshill's nervous system is fully controlled by the hive mind and his body can only react to certain external stimuli. You can see it for yourself, how it looks like, in this very thread - the absolute state of link shills, their ''arguments'' look like a weird mix of mumbling of a paranoid lunatic during a full moon and a Buddhist monk in a deep state of dissociation


it actually reminds me about the revelation of a former KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov and how the Soviets were able to completely brainwash people to the point of complete denial, making people resistant to reason and any arguments.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Sergey works for Russian secret services and all this LINK business is just psy warfare.


Schiff what's up brother? So true, everything. Scam in an offshore tax haven, offshore money laundering, excess materialism, literal who shell companies, etc.

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Incredible post, littered with facts and truth. Imagine expecting $1000 and it's never even achieved $10, true cucks

There’s no point in buying crypto if it has worse gains than stocks. That’s exactly why chainlink failed. It should’ve been $10-20 by now but the fat founder got too greedy

The only reason crypto is a thing on this board is because we have retards from third world countries here unable to buy stocks on the NYSE.

That's the thing, Sergey dumps because it's as high as it'll go, and he knows that. Also, he doesn't want media attention for this scam

And this

Hey. You guys here might be smart. Can you recommend me what I should keep eye on? At the moment im investing in shitcoins and scamcoins for easy gains and leaving them before things go bad. Im doing this because im new but not stupid and the easy profit is not hard to detect. Im ofcourse learning about stocks and trading but the thing im doing at the moment requires no brain. If you know something you can share please help me out I wanna make it for me and my family. Thanks.

Right now you want to buy quality during a recession. Stay away from speculative shit like shitcoins and bankrupt memes. Buy Amazon, Visa, QQQ

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insanely high IQ very good post
doing well brother, hope you're doing well as well
word from the FBI/SEC there's a good chance sergey will be indicted and extradited to guantanamo for the ponzi scheme. He deserves nothing less than to rot away with other terrorists as he himself is a financial terrorist. They got him on the money laundering charge apparently, we only need to wait to see LINK plummet to sub ICO and vanishing off this board for eternity. Day of the rope will happen but not like the Zig Forumssters think, it will be a mass exodus of LINKshills swinging from ropes.

just about to catch a flight take care lads

I dont get how you can shit on LINK but full on shill ETH uncle oldfag. Theyre both piece of shit Russian scamwares ( 2.0 IS COMING OUT IN JULY GUYS. NO WAIT, WERE DELAYING IT ) The only value ETH has is literally just first kover advantage the actual tech has been surpassed multiple times. Its just as scummy as ChainLinks team imo

I want to see both Russian scamware collapse and fall. Russians cant do anything but steal like the chinks

buy physical silver and ZEC and thank me in 5 years

>Buy Amazon, Visa, QQQ
What dude. Get outta here with your WSB memes, uncle faggot

Stupid nigger

You ain't catching no flight you larp nigger faggot. Post time stamp.

ZEC is poor mans XRP. Ive seen your shill posts. All you spam is
>muh connections
But Ripples connections are much deeper than ZEC ever will be.
You say the elites need privacy. Well now Ripple can have the private option that was ZECs only purpose. You lose

Plus, your coin is headed by a roastie LOL. Would you honestly trust tech with a roastie?

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Thanks for help everyone Il do my homework.

Holy shit he got implicated/caught on laundering?

>Link is the only way forward
>Unironically link

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These will make you real money, while LINK drops 10% in 2 hours top kek

Holy shit people on this board still believe these two larps
>unironically link

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Uncle always said link would never reach $10. Is he wrong?

He said link would never be above $1 was he right?

kek, $1 to $3 is your celebration? You fags were celebrating $300 and $1000 and you can't even double digit your meme. Double digit IQ more like it

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