I lost £42.8k in 6 hours
I lost £4.28 in 6 hours..
I feel your pain innit
u deserve it lmao fucking retard zoomer
Call options
The puts I bought a few weeks ago that expire tomorrow and I've written off are up by 500% today. Too bad all the stonks and calls I bought this week are killing me.
What I don't understand is the fuck would you dump now when the curve is already flattened, ppe are in abundance and a vaccine is likely a few months away. There's also the fact that Trump's entire reelection hinges on a good economy and he'll literally start nationalizing companies before he lets the stock market tank before the election.
There isn't any good news left
I fucking knew it. Day of the rope for retail zoomers is arriving
>a vaccine is likely a few months away
watching zoomburgers invest is hilarious. you fucks are so hopelessly lost in your tiktok culture of instant gratification you've thrown away any rationality in the process
>buying airlines
I thought if I invested a big amount into Ryan air it would encourage the stocks to go up
How the fuck your lost it idiot? Ryan air is down only 10% that’s like 4K pound loss
>one persons investment makes an entire sector go up
Trolling or legit delusion
All option traders eventually blow up.
Gentlemen, take note.
lol, real smart buying the most obvious top ever
>investing into an airline that was about to bankrupt even before the lockdown
>literally any other airline will recover
You get what you fucking deserve. Read the news about the company you invest into next time. Ryanair is fucked for over a year now.
New vaccine expert in scanidaniva just came out and said that a vaccine might take years to develop, and that most of the current vaccine candidates will not work
I always thought you britbongs were retarded, but being this retarded beats any pajeet level of retardness.
Who tf invests in Airlines and calls the fking second ATH after companies calling bad quarter numbers out?
You know that airlines right now only staying alive of fking FED , ECB printing money.
If the supply of printed money runs out the gov is going to seize the companies and bail them out in exchange for shares and Manager Board positions for their retard policians...
>New vaccine expert in scanidaniva just came out and said
>Some guy said
Post link. Fool.
Herd Immunity is our only way out then. Let those who can't resist the virus die, as it was for the entire history of the human race.
Or, nature producing a less/more harmful mutation of the disease and snuffing itself out quickly.
Like ebola, the last few times in the Congo.
Not humans, nature...
I meant to say 400k
He is one of the leading HIV researchers in the world, and he belives the coronavirus is man made. It has HIV spike proteins that are not natural, this man is an expert on HIV and knows this. The french guy that discovered the HIV virus said the same thing. The vaccines being developed now operate mostly on the assumption that it is a natural virus, and they try to create a vaccine that deals with the 80% of the virus genome that is similar to humans (the spike protein). He says ADE and other side effects will be likely with vaccines that target the spike protein
Great, he discovered HIV in the 1980s, and since then... lol
Too many generalized assumptions from a guy that "believes a lot of things..." but has zero insight into the reality of 21+ companies attempting to develop a vaccine. He has become an academic (Fauci) pontificator and left the real science behind years ago.
To put this very simply, why would all these companies waste so much R&D money (with high possibility of no ROI)?
Fuck the guy "that thinks". A little more action. Only take advice from and become a person "that does".
im up 500$. I sold everything on monday :)
I´m listening to the HIV experts, and so should you. The spike protein is HIV like. Current vaccines target the spike protein, but this is a mistake and very risky.
It's not a loss if you don't sell :^)
Fuck off retard I made 150% before the dump
Issues with the scientist:
He has zero insight into any of the vaccines being developed. He has "assumptions and beliefs" on proprietary corporate R&D. There are several strains of the coronovirus that have been isolated.. this is way more complicated.
In regards to any potential vaccine:
I would personally recommend treating it like a Windows product (wait until version 3, and then wait a bit longer):
1) Don't be first in line (ever)
2) Wait and observe first mover issues. Vaccines are not a joke (e.g. Polio crippling people).
3) Follow 2) for next 3 versions
I want to Zante with Ryanair fucking mental