Everything in a sea of red

>Everything in a sea of red
>HEX holding strong
Masterrace token

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Amazing token. One of the few coins worth holding long-term.
When did you get in?

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Maximum cope. It was almost double this price a month ago.
You had your time to make money off this ponzi, it's all ogre now.

The cope is real. It's people buying the new scam of the day hoping on the kind of gains Hex did and is poised to repeat in the coming months.

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It must suck not knowing that HEX is a scam and that H3X is the only actual working variant of all of these copycat scams.

Up over 2000% on my stack. Feels pretty damn good sir.
Good luck trying to get to even 1 mil liquidity with your poor man's Hex.

Yes, all three of you must be delighted.
Richard will dump on all of you like a mad man soon.

If only you knew what's in the works with Hex.
Where does muh eth go? Big things in the future.
As for Richard any project would be lucky to have him as a founder.

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masterrace token is the best way to describe hex. gonna steal that. Richard is a living legend and not enough people see that yet

I have a bag

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Looks red to me. However, DGB and AMN...

That's the kind of mentality that only buys things after they've mooned. If it looks red to you, that's great. Buy dips not tops sir.

Only coin worth holding if you like gains an didn't fall for the "muh tech" meme

The tech/smart contract is actually quite good, but I know what you mean.

it just needs to hold against ETH

Looks pretty damn good.

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Stay mad faggot! real niggas have already taken profits so many times on this gem and are now staking pure gains waiting on big payday.

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Kneel to your master HEX2X!

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Don't know what you mean there fren. I'm 80% staked. Been here since January.

Thanks for spreading brand awareness with your cheap knockoff token.
What will people remember in a few months?
That's right. HEX. The one and only.

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In a few months - all Hex holders will received their Hex2X and will immediately come over to the new and upgraded ponzi. Get in now and ride the x1000 increase coming... or stay poor and stuck financing Heart's world.

Good luck with your ponzi sir. Just get out before the rest of them.

Yeah the contract itself is good code. Just saying that unlike 99% of other cryptos HEX isn't trying to pigeonhole a token into a use case where a crypto token is not needed. It's ironic that vast majority of people fail to see that the fancy bags they think they're holding are basically vaporware with promises but HEX actually has a compelling use case already.

sorry iam abo and a little drunk

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I was one of those but vaporware guys until I understood Hex. They'll come around eventually.
There are only a few things crypto is good or necessary for. Hex managed to pick the best one.

clearly the new hex bull is upon us. God I dont want to sound like a fucking indian scam fucker but guys, now is the time... it really is. good luck hexers

Now is the time sir. Broke out as expected.

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Quarter milly in my stake box

Hell yeah negro. Trying to be about there by the end of the week

Dev will dump soon. If you were him, would you? He doesn’t even tell you his name.

Invest in fresh shit under active development where money is flowing now: hexultra.com

Don’t be a crying cuck holder a week from now