why are tesla options so expensive. what broker lets me just short stuff I guess. I was eyeing tesla puts yesterday but they were so expensive even just a little bit out.
>It was a class riot no it wasn't. it was nogs chimping out followed by whites larping on social media with cardboard signs. shit will be absolutely forgotten in a week and a half
William Cook
Wow stocks went down after valuations were exceeding 2000-2001 levels? Gee golly what a surprise who could have predicted that. Wait a minute... I have been saying that in smg for the last week or so. Glad I literally sold at top and went all cash. Will buy back in at -20% once valuations are sane again.
Blessing upon this daily bread. I have spoke with God and Terry today. I commune with them during these dark times. They have both assured me we will prevail. Stay strong my brothers.
Ok I will now have a methodology for the Zig Forums index. A representative sampling of shitty shilled stocks. A token airline, DUDE WEED, some biomemes, boomer defense, etc. The rules to get OFF the index are to perform better than SPY for 6 days out of any 10. So "dude just buy SPY!" would not have been the better play. When old tickers are removed I will find more garbage to add. >Recent Additions >IVR >GNUS 13 is a good number. Definitely could be larger. In general inversing this index may give you gains.
>knock knock >who's there? >S&P 500. Is that March 2020? >Yes >Could you let me in pls? >No, I think you're looking for September 1929 >Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Carter Wood
Finally realized you're never going to make it?
Jose Cook
Liam Morris
>19 KB JPG >Stocks shouldn't drop 1000 points today. We're now living in a clown world. You’re right, they really should have dropped 15,000
Josiah Moore
Hallowed be thy tendies. May all those who glow in dark pass on and never come back to the light.
>The whites and blacks should riot together they won't, you color blind retard. the nogs will turn on the whites at the drop of a hat for gibs. i wonder what all these white saviors will do when they realize their pet minorities don't actually worship them the way they wish they did
hope everyone is doing ok, we are going into rough times ahead. i didn't think they'd crash the market until September because of elections, but this can only mean one thing. Some big shit is actually going to go down, and these Riots are going to impact everything. Also i'm hearing Trump is extending Neetbux, not confirmed yet though. If you still got investments just HODL, and weather the storm, unless you need the cash. You're not alone, all of Zig Forums is the same way. I have a friend who's making 130k a year doing the complete opposite of what Crypto faggots are saying.
Jaxon Reed
>BREAKING: Steven Mnuchin is now flat-out REFUSING to disclose the businesses receiving $500,000,000,000 in bailout funds, claiming the info is "confidential"
>4.5 MILLION businesses received government funds. Zero transparency.
Ayden Peterson
I am making this index to make bagholder shills fuck off when they try to unload bags here.You have to EARN your way onto it.
Carter Garcia
>based kinuku man toy haver
my uncle used to have a fuck ton of these he left at my grandmas house and playing with them was always my favorite part of going over there
>Some big shit is actually going to go down, and these Riots are going to impact everything speculate. I don't know how the riots are doing anything than spreading corona for multiple outbreaks that will tear the states a new one by denting dented revenues while they're floundering to fund pensions.
Gabriel Stewart
Fuck man, my portfolio is more red than my face when my mother invited me into her bed.
Christopher Brooks
Funny, Warren Buffett was right after all, not even a week ago people were laughing at him.
Aiden Mitchell
what? Yeah ok I just want in on your blacklist m8. Any way to share your index?
I'd suck a dick for S&P to plummet that much in a year or two. I'm sitting on so much gold and silver, could sell a bit of it, add some cash and I could enter the market at the lowest of lows. 10 years later I'd be ready to retire.
I just want you all to know that “THEY” are slow rolling all you faggots today into panic selling. At 10 minutes to close today watch the last minute surge as they play everyone.
Colton Gutierrez
even baggie got ahead of this correct, imagine getting outperformed by this retard
This board is so retarded I literally can't tell the shitposts from the real talk. I'm just going to keep buying airlines, cruises, and tech stocks and watch even my worst positions double in 2 years. Good luck with your shills and get rich quick schemes.
do you have a link to the pdf user? it is only logical to pirate a book about pirating gains
James Foster
Why moon September, they'll crash the market to make Trump look bad, they do it every time a conservative is in office since the 70's. Fear user, they're spreading fear into the common person. When Antifa goes for the suburbs, that's when shit will really hit the fan.
A free public method might be hard to fine. I might try tonight.
Nathan Lewis
Brandon Martinez
Textbook Bull Trap. A moment of silence for all these faggots who bought the top. You won't see that number again in 4 years.
Owen Foster
Sorry, cuck. You'll be a wageslave for a while yet.