/Stag/ Statera general Day 11: Get yer BTP while its hot Edition

Thanos Power @ Over $333k
(Trips, again)
>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

>What is STA?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some NoStankers here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
Use UniVision for all your fractal charting needs.

You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

Coingecko is up to date and accurate thanks to the v2 update. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

>Link to the Medium article on STA, feel free to share

>Official Github

Attached: Logo-Redesign_3.jpg (4000x4000, 768K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

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>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

>Scott's nerdy ass tryin to educate you stupid fucks

>For all you Github FUDders . Finally, everyone's ears may yet recover from your screeching.

>Live Sta coinstats


>TG Channels
Statera Price Talk (Unofficial)
Statera Announcement

>What do we do when we hit [insert amazing price milestone here]
Once we hit $1, don't dump your bags like retards, slowly shave off a percent or two once a week, and enjoy the accumulation upwards while reaping benefits along the way.

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>An updated QRD on Statera and its uses

>So, we know you’ve all been patiently waiting for something to come from us. We’ve been working hard over the past few days and we’re really excited to announce that Statera is now trading on Saturn Network, which means you no longer have to worry about slippage and liquidity issues. Currently they are working on getting our official information audited and listed on their exchange, however, you can still trade Statera through this link:


After much testing and deliberation, we can confirm that BPT is now able to be traded on Uniswap!

What is BPT? BPT is the ticker for Balancer Pool Token, it is your key to the Liquidity Pool. BPT can be removed from the Liquidity Pool at any stage for an equal 20% split of all the five tokens within the Liquidity Pool and is the token we have spoke about in previous Medium articles.

You no longer have to interact with the smart-contract to pool liquidity. To trade BPT on Uniswap, you can either go to our website and click 'Trade' and then 'BPT'; or, you can follow this link to the Uniswap listing:


It is recommended to use this method instead of the other 'one-click' pooling method which was previously mentioned in Medium articles.


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>STA overview

>STA Tokenomics

>STA Pool ownership breakdown

>STA Balancer ovewview

>STA in action

>Whats happening inside the pool

>Sending STA to Pool

>STA cant be fudded

>Adding liquidity

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Some BASED comments from the team

>I think the difference between STA and GBTC is the fact that when you enter the STA ecosystem, you're getting onboard with not just bitcoin, but with arguably the top cryptocurrencies, hence you're betting on cryptocurrency as a concept moreso than on just solely bitcoin or Ethereum. Also, the STA ecosystem itself promotes the growth of the four coins as it constantly buys and sells them, the theoretical perspective being that eventually it creates an equilibrium.

>101 million tokens was the starting supply. I can't particularly answer how tokens being out of circulation appreciate the value of circulating tokens out of fears for speculation. I'm not going to give a random number without any factual basis, however, we can apply the law of supply and demand to get a conceptual answer. Deflation and inflation both work on this concept.

>We're working on the marketing to create that demand, all whilst the supply is continuously dropping. Statera will continue to drop in supply even if all external trading ceased to exist as the Balancer will continue to trade STA to keep the 20% equilibrium, thus in turn burning 1% of every transactional value.

>The marketing is being worked on, I can't make influencers respond faster, I can only control what I can physically do myself. And I can assure you I wouldn't be up at 3:31am if I wasn't working on things I can personally do to impact the growth of this project.

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A couple of comments were made recently that I feel accurately encompass the depth of the project. I will share them in the next post.

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user posted this last night, smart user.

An excerpt from a discussion with the team: "What happens if a coin in our balancer completely collapses?" "What happens if the sun dies out?"

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Fuggggggggg pic related

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At least this thread is free from the FUDDERS.

Also, one button pooling of sorts has been made available.

>After much testing and deliberation, we can confirm that BPT is now able to be traded on Uniswap!

>What is BPT? BPT is the ticker for Balancer Pool Token, it is your key to the Liquidity Pool. BPT can be removed from the Liquidity Pool at any stage for an equal 20% split of all the five tokens within the Liquidity Pool and is the token we have spoke about in previous Medium articles.

>You no longer have to interact with the smart-contract to pool liquidity. To trade BPT on Uniswap, you can either go to our website and click 'Trade' and then 'BPT'; or, you can follow this link to the Uniswap listing:


It is recommended to use this method instead of the other 'one-click' pooling method which was previously mentioned in Medium articles.


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>inb4 schizo math pajeet fudder
>inb4 dumb bobo with no bpt

since im in so early, let me remind you that BPT is fucking mooning while STA is crabbing

BPT: uniswap.info/token/0x0e511aa1a137aad267dfe3a6bfca0b856c1a3682

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Never selling

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There are several new contracts that STA was sent to today. I think 4 new ones. One is for BPT I'm sure, and one might be for Saturn, but that still leaves at least two new ones that have received and/or sent STA


Checked, PePaw

what the hell guys, why it's still cancelling my transactions? (crypto newfag here)
yesterday tried to buy some more STA through ETH and got canncelled after 10h of waiting and today again after sth like ~3 hours.. (made it on Uniswap V1 with 1.5% slippage price)

Attached: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details _ Etherscan.png (1060x655, 34.36K)

back to 6c

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What about the gas price? Did you change it to fast?

ok so in the movies Thanos wants to destroy half of all life because of limited resources and all. but if he was so all powerful why couldn't he just double resources?

>tfw bought 56k @ $0.02
>tfw sold at $0.01
I want to jump of a bridge guise

Also, you are using the correct contract, right?

Damn, man, why?


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try to adding more liquidity on balancer pool,
Sta went well to pool adress through writing through contracts but still don't have the update on my balance. Is this need to be long to split ?


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well well well.. another joe at the grocery store.
hey buddy, not everyone is a fool here you know.
Some of us work hard for our money. WE come here hoping that as a community we can move up in the ranks of the more prominent crypto communities by finding assets while they are still lowkey. It is scum like yourself that go meet in secret discord and teletubby crowds to try and scheme with the people. much like the freemason,blood-sucking, sneaky fuckers that print the dollars.

For the love of god, user that may or may not read this. I know you are watching and can relate to these words, although you may or may not be replying. take a step back.

Take a step back from the lambo dream. The get rich overnight scheme. The crop cream.
But most of all, take a step back and observe the tone these people speak in.

How on Zig Forums can 10 people instantly reply saying, "yeahhhhh, lets do it billy!" and you have not smelt the fishy, placenta like smell?

Focus. Breathe. Average out your sells slowly as the liquidity won't allow you to sell your full amount without dumping the price 15%.

This magical money making STA has got to leave the premise of Zig Forums for the better good.
And it needs to happen stat.

Seiously user, thank you for posting this pasta every thread. Even if Statera ends up going straight down to zero, I'll remember the fun times


FUD got me

Is it not showing up in your wallet? You will need to add the bpt token address to your wallet to see it.

That sucks. It was pretty intense since everything lined up perfectly. It isn't surprising how many people sold. You could try swing trading to increase your stack if you can predict a dip

Why cant you stfu?

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Im trying, slowly but steady

Sasuke... You lack balance.

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