Seattle autonomous zone

How long will they last before shit hitting the fan?

Attached: merlin_173426742_c6aa5064-f143-47e4-a66d-78bb74bf53d7-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1322, 695.91K)

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give them 1 week

why don't the cops just move in and arrest everyone?

>why don't the cops just move in and arrest everyone?
cops arent allowed to do anything in portland/seattle

They're already out of food and being run by a warlord.

How long do the batteries on a Nintendo Switch last?

They tried and got BTFO of their own precinct

fuck the police boot licker


>he hasn't bought CHAZ
lmaoing @u

fuck the police coming straight from the underground

I don't think you need to use the force and waste resources, just lock them in and let them run out of everything.
They can't grow stuff, water is scarce, they have no medicine or hospitals, they have no police, they can't even shit or piss.
Based warlord kang.

Public Enemy was always the better band



Even after it crashes and burns, just wait for when they make a Hollywood biopic glorifying it.


important question no one is asking. What is the age of consent in the Seattle autonomous zone?

why doesn't someone create an erc20 token for them? they can "convince" local businesses to accept it and receive crowdfunding from all over the world. biz making it as a trojan horse would be super comfy and I'm surprised no one mentioned anything similar

Im going to use this every time a MIGAtard supports police

kek white people just totally hijacked the black power sign

how does this make you feel niggers?

They'd never run out. people would just airdrop things to them. it would last forever until stopped by force

Circle one white person in that photo. I’ll wait

also a reminder that a good 80% of the people in this photo are in the food industry


this even looks like one of you fucking nerds

Attached: SmartSelect_20200611-171911_Chrome.jpg (669x720, 244.07K)

it has a long history

Attached: kkl.png (1280x1000, 871.12K)

>one of you is the unsung hero with the detonator
>I give it back to you the people!

They're being prevented from acting by the government. It's full Marxism up there. I just hope they seal them in and ignore their complaints when they start getting raped and murdered as always used to happen with the hippie communes. Let them learn why they need police.

i hope they let it go for a while, i've gotten some good laughs out of these retards so far

Attached: 1591911727000.gif (600x370, 1.73M)

>How long
It already happened
this is their attempt at farming btw

Attached: farmingwithlarpers.jpg (1700x1306, 734.19K)

Attached: 1505284957824.png (515x821, 59.03K)

never interrupt your enemy

I figured more libertarians would be all over this opportunity. Finally a place where the child can consent