Based Autist predicted this

Based Autist predicted this.

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ok but what about my heckin etherinos?

When Daddy coin moons, they all follow.

we’ll naturally go up with bitcoins movement

t. dirtbag holding .25 BTC and 34 ETH in Cuckbase

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round 2

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Ahahahahahaha deluded bulls

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So tldr This is the Last Dip?

That guy is just pulling those numbers out his ass. The autist I posted took the data from last bull run.

still delusion, same as asuka

>he predicted this
>earliest prediction is still in the future
Based retard op

The hopium is unreal. And i’m not excluding myself

yeah predicted, totally. much accuracy. excellent prediction skills.

Who wants to bet this "based autist" was in fact a Redditor.

Basically, a racist incel from Zig Forums lurked Reddit and copy pasted this here to take credit.
The collective brainpower that Reddit harnesses is literally the only thing from keeping the internet from being as useful a resource tool that it is.
I don't shill for Reddit nor am I a member, but its the only online community that is free of racism.

The collective works in tandem to help each other i.e a modern day online utopia.
Prove me wrong: You can't!!

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>that spacing

Im afraid I'll sell early bros

I'll be really mad if I only make 100k


at this point does USD price even matter?

What does your eth do?

thanks for the reminder
>another year closer to dying.

Predicted what? Shouldn't we be close to $40k according to this? It's completely wrong.

Uh What?

OP is a gay retard

You totally misread the post. Kek.

Retard alert. Not that the prediction is correct, but you are possibly illiterate.

U stupid?


Explain it to me then because I'm either retarded or and I are the only ones making sense

Top retard


Today is June 11. The prediction says BTC will 7500 on June 14. What is so hard to understand?


>autist makes 50 predictions
>not a single one has been validated yet

Read the fucking thread retard, I already said the prediction is wrong.

What about the frickin litcoinerinos?

The heckin linkeroos?

OP makes zero sense. How is the bubble in March?

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top kek turns out I'm just retarded, I was reading the 2021 section. thanks user my bad

It's just a matter of time. Value Income-based ecosystems like BTC, VID or any other crypto will eventually win big.

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No worries brah just don’t be retarded again