>FrenChain Err, Theres no chance of that "exit scamming" lol
Jackson Reyes
worth noting that "frenchain" is a pajeet knockoff of the real thing. the real FREN was being airdropped yesterday in the thread. a pajeet came in and said it was minted and directed us to uniswap, op called him out.
the real contract address is: 0x456d0F384fAc1FCb05A7F808753dd9A50Ea619A4
Connor Cooper
Outrageously based
Liam Hughes
OP is the MVP user. Thanks for doing this.
William Cook
Anthony Jenkins
Did I miss NuLink or did they already fag out?
Julian Cox
Any opinions on Unibomb? Unibomb.it
Caleb Brooks
Nicholas Powell
Let it be known to all in attendance, OP was not a faggot today.
Known Coinbase scam. But then again Aragon Court is getting listed.
Nathaniel Martin
My mistake. I thought it was supported.
Michael Foster
based, just imagine the seethe
Jeremiah Williams
unidollar unibitcoin unibomb
can be added to the list
anything piggybacking a well known name/brand/buzzword is alarm bells.
For the anons who thing "i know its a scam ill get a quick 2x out of it"
stop being chucklefucks. they remove the eth as you put it in and all you di is encourage them to do more. There have been more than 20 in the past 48 hours shitting up this board,
Stop being dumb
Austin Moore
bump because these scams are still going and anons still fall for them
Daniel Rivera
HAHA thnx but can't drop my eth address here else I get banned again. You can email me with your thoughts. attilafxx at Gmail. Am currently on mobile phone.
Christian Young
Unidollar Scam
Ayden Phillips
Two of those aren’t scams. One of them clearly is. This is exactly what I was talking about upthread. Y’all are subscribing to witch hunt mentality.
Dylan Watson
All three of them are scams but there is apparently a legit version of Unibomb and a scam version
There’s a legit version of unibomb and a scam version. This is true. Now look at who UniDollar clearly copied. Apply the same logic. It doesn’t matter to me, one way or another, as time will separate fact from fiction.