Corona cases aren't going up, and the Fed announcing they won't raise rates for 2 years would usually trigger a rally. Regardless of the real reason for the crash today, why is this narrative being pushed when it's so obviously a lie?
What fuckery is going on here?
Other urls found in this thread:
but they are raising
Cope more. You thought you were hot shit, bull? Wanted to rape people's moms here? Your days are numbered.
Financial “””””journalists”””””” push out daily clickbait tier garbage user.
they are going up user. there was just a swaft of protests and openings and SUPRISE carona virus hasn't left earth. People are still not coping with the fact that facemasks and social distancing is the new normal for human beings unless a full fledged cure is relased. which is unlikely. now imagine for a moment a worse disease than covid19 comes out. its over over. not just over, over over.
should have bought more TSLA friend
Florida just reported its highest single day jump in cases
It's a shake/wealth transfer from retail to institutional, Robinhood traders will be blamed
This will be numerous states soon.
I’m just gonna keep hiding in my hole
the best part is, the recent case pikes are from memorial day. wait until the next couple weeks when the protest numbers will start coming in.
Yeah once I saw that retail article yesterday I sold some stocks
Yes they are going on. Past 5 days each day has been a increase in number of cases of corona in the u.s. record breaking don't be down syndrome fact check. 2nt wave is strong. When a few hundred cases were in the country everyone sheltered. Now there's hundreds of thousands and people are out business as usually. This wave will be worst
Nationally cases are going down. Who gives a shit if Arkansas had an increase in cases. Hospitalizations in virtually every state are down, including states with increasing cases. Second wave is a meme. This isn't Spanish Flu. When do you happeningfags give up?
>things already returning to normal, wtf man
Red states getting hammered now cuz muh freedom and masks are for cowards. All fat alcoholics with hosts of comorbidities. Time to purge the dumbfucks
I'm not saying a correction isn't justified, but why are they pushing this false narrative?
>Grim outlook
Did they watch the same conference? Low interest rates locked in and an increase in buying power, plus whatever congress is going to give. They are telling everyone we will do anything to prop up this fake market. Buy the fucking dip.
They invented the coronavirus narrative as an excuse for the collapse of the economy in general. Even though this collapse was inevitable, since they can't even let yields go up to 3% without crashing the stock market (see late 2018: it plummeted, and they had to restart Q. E. again). They are using the same lying pretext now to explain away this inevitable collapse in the stock market, which I knew was coming. I explained about this in my posts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, e. g.
>Buy the fucking dip
On the contrary, they didn't promise enough. They needed either YCC or negative federal funds to prop up this market. They didn't promise either.
Violent shakeout. Maybe a few more red days in store but it’s a minor setback in my opinion. A lot of light was shown on the virus hoax the last few weeks and that’s why there was such a strong bid. This will prove to be the last wimper of the doomfags that are somehow still alive from March.
Market didn't crash because of coronavirus hoax. It was already set to do so. Hoax was implemented as a pretext to exculpate the ruling class for their crimes. David Brady, Ray Dalio, Ron Paul, and many others all predicted this crash.
Ray Dalio and Bridgewater predicted $2000 gold and everything that is presently going in Jan. 2020, long before the coronavirus panic started:
"Mr Jensen said he would not rule out the possibility that the Fed could slash rates to zero this year as it looks to avoid recession and disinflationary pressures."
"Bridgewater's co-chief investment officer Greg Jensen told the Financial Times that gold prices could rally to $2,000 an ounce."
"Although rate cuts by the Fed have bolstered equity markets, Mr Jensen said the group was “more cautious” on US stocks, describing them as “frothy”."
Bridgewater accurately placed a $1.5 billion options bet that the stock market would plunge by March 2020:
>market moves
>pattern recognition monkeys attempt to discern pattern
That’s literally all there is to it. The real economy is in the shitter
Baby's first dead cat bounce. What did you think was going to happen after that massive pump?
Rising cases during riots and massive public gatherings never before seen in size right in the middle of the pandemic? No way, America! Nani? How could this happen?
imagine believing the economy will ever recover. ameritards your country is fucked. It's over
why are you following me to every thread i visit what the fuck. this is like the fourth thread
I've posted in three threads, this one and two others.
Not sure if schizo or George Gammon but thanks for the read fren
I don’t get it. Even if we accept that there’s a second wave, potentially more widespread than the first, hasn’t it been proven that Corona is no where near as deadly as first thought?
I assumed that was why things were heading back towards normal. We originally thought there was like a 3-4% death rate, but in reality it’s somewhere between 0.2-1%
>he didnt buy the corona dip
>he wont buy this dip
You arent gonna make it.
Watch WB put all his liquid back in the market to make immense gains.
I'm about to go all in.
Dude... this has nothing to do with any news. It's just a dead cat bounce and fake rally that has ran out of steam. Did you actually think the market was going to surge to greater and greater heights while the economy factually suffered from reduced profits and investment for a few years?
So lets see
>Millions unemployed
>Stocks go up
>Thousands of businesses will likely not reopen after covid
>Stocks go up
>Major industries drowning in debt, expected to require billions in bailouts over the next few years
>Stocks go up
>Even more people unemployed
>Stocks go up
>States have no concrete plans for reopening
>Stocks go up
>Growing acknowledgement that a second wave of covid will likely happen due to states opening early
>Stocks go up
>Mass rioting and unrest over the US
>Stocks go up
>National Guard deployed
>Stocks go up
>Economists predicting a decade long recovery process
>Stocks go up
>Fed announces ZRIP for at least two years, meaning they expect the economy to be fucked at least that long
>Stocks go down
Maybe they finally got the message
niggers rioting are ruining my financial future