>If you double $10000 17 times you are a billionaire
How hard can it be really? Just find some double ups.
/double up/ general
how many double ups for a million OP?
check these
It's ten from $1,000. There's a reason why this doesn't happen and practically no one here has more than a few million.
>(10000 * 2) * 17 = 340000
Yeah but what are the odds you double your money 17/17 times?
What are the odds of taking a loss? It's not that simple.
issue becomes volume and taxation. Invest in armed mercs.
That's 20k multiplied 17 times brainlet
lol holyshit this has to be bait.
>Business & Finance
What's wrong mathlets? That is quite literally the doubling of 10k, 17 times. That is to say, you have 17 stacks of 20k.
Only non-retard here
The odds depends on how secure the double ups are. But surely there are plenty of sure 2x out in the market. It's not like rolling a roulette.
I was talking about compound doubling.
>What's wrong mathlets? That is quite literally the doubling of 10k, 17 times. That is to say, you have 17 stacks of 20k.
Are you a black-jeet aren't you?
80k - I am here after starting with 10k.
Now, where are the people that have done this? Nearly everyone in /smg/ that has more than a million is some boomer that only buys 1x ETFs who has a well paying job and contributes tens of thousands each year into their account. There's simply no one around that has managed to sustain such a return long term or else they would be a billionaire by now.
Then you would say if you started off with 10k, and doubled your money 17 times, then it would be a billion.
Doubling 10k 17 times is something else.
I remember thinking this 2 years ago.
Even if you assume that doubling your money 17 times is easy, you would run into problems with liquidity as you start buying and selling hundreds of thousands at a time.
Its more often like
>50k - I am here if I get lucky on another doubleup after starting with 10k.
The real sticking point seems to be over a hundred thousand. It could be psychological barrier with people losing their edge with that amount of money at play or it could be that it's nearly impossible to beat the market long term and we are just fooling ourselves. I think this is the biggest mystery in trading and it's so rarely talked about. It isn't just doubling, it works with a high return and compounding. 10k with a 50% annual return over 30 years is nearly two billion dollars at the end of it.
Two explanations that are frequently suggested are volume and taxation. In some countries you can do this in a tax free account so that isn't a concern and volume doesn't matter if your trades are under a few hundred thousand unless it's a low cap meme stock. It would affect the billionaires, but not people with a million dollars.
Go to roulette table
Bet on black 17 times
Black dont crack
What are your odds of making 17 correct trades in a row? Even at 91% certainty you only have a 20% chance of winning.
hey look who rolled in from stupid town.
If roulette had a true 50/50 chance of landing on black, the probability of that happening 17 times in a row is 1 in 131,072.
In trading it's different because of the upward bias and you could technically just hold something like a leveraged index ETF until you came into profit again. Depending on your risk/reward, it's also possible to lose most of your trades and still profit.
These are the kind of posters i try to help on this board. Yesterday someone thought compounding meant compound interest offered by an exchange
No hope for this board
Please visit a doctor. You have reddit
Redpilled. Do you use crypto or Fiat?
$10000 x 2 x 17 = $340000
lol doesn't look like a billion to me retard
my nigga I'm all in crypto. but gonna go ALL in during the next dip with some pocket money on FTX. I'll try the doubling down run after the golden bull cum by betting on sports. see how close to 10 consecutive wins I get before losing it.
if my math checks out, I'll have 10 tries at $1k each with $10k throwaway cryptogains monies
It's $10000 * 2^17 = $1.3B