You have been deceived at 100mph

You have been deceived at 100mph

Now you are being deceived at 50mph

When will you wake up?

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never because I'm a moron but I'm still not selling my Linkies

Hmmm depends, what is the context?

The context of deception

Deep down you know it's lies

Never sell Linkies x

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I'm a bit drunk. How much can you offer me for my Linkies?


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It's true though, isn't it?

I mean, a pack of lies, If anyone can smell BS, it;s me. That moon crap has BS EXTREME written all over it. Does anyone really still buy that?

Come on, Anons. Speak your minds

Did they play golf on the moon and fuck about in that stupid little car?

If there is anything that's a myth, that's it. I challenge anyone to convince me otherwise

the world is a stage, just play along, you can either be on the evil side (decepticons), the good side or on the neutral side.

Me, Im with Christ.

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You never answered the question, my friend. All I ask is your opinion.

Not my fault I am being deceived. I've awoken.

That's nice, I'll accept that.
One day we shall all be friends. I'm thinking Sunday Roasts, Household tips, and fruit. Much fruit.

based post. OP gets it

I am the OP. I don't get it, though

absolutely patrician

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I think I've become a flat-earther. absolutely everything that nice guy eric dubay says, smacks of the truth. I have a BSc. I'm a technician for a living. Eric is on-point. So is that lovely nutter, Eddie Bravo. I know truth when I hear it. I especially know lies when they're told me

Is this a stealth FUND shill thread?

Nah man. I hold BTC and Link. That's it.

Quite a lot of both

we are the center of creation and humanity is only around 7000 years old, only people with Christ are 'going to make it'

Nigger, NASA sent missions to the moon into the 1970s.
Are you telling me they faked it that many times and duped the entire world that many times??

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care to explain that photo? Similan Islands?

wouldn't be surprised after seeing videos like this

flat earther pilot asking other pilots what they think lmao wouldnt be surprised cuz clown world

Its a Jewish deception where they deny the moonlanding because it was NatSoc rocket scientists to put us there.

I think I might be. It's so crazy, Every day I think "why me?". "Why must it be me who takes the red pill when I stopped necking pills years ago?"/. Seem so unfair. I'm such a nice guy

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I do like a bit of flat Earth. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, I really would not. Not only that, but so many of the FE community are so lovely. Really good people.

what's the end game, and more important how are you preparing towards it?

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Chainlink, I suppose. I wish to do a ton more scuba diving, around the world. Quite into that