Should I kill myself?

Should I kill myself?

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fuck off demoralization jew

I would if I was you too


No you got a green Id and jesus dubs. You will make it user, hang in there.

depends on if you look like that dude

Hey user,

I know im just some random fag on the internet but please listen.

Depression won't go away out of nowhere it might never even fully go away but there is so much you can do to make your life better.

the first step to a better life is bettering yourself. miracles don't exist so stop hoping for one start taking care of yourself.

clean your room, quit caffeine, go to sleep at an acceptable time, start working out find a long lasting goal, face your fears.

The key to happiness is to constantly work on yourself and be a better version everyday.

you are the person in control so shut the fuck up and take care of yourself, you pussy.

Why kill yourself when you could kill some (((globalists))) and castrate/rape their children?

>Should I kill myself?

Why would you? You know there is nothing after death right? Why waste this once in a billion years chance? Nigger

cringe. go seek attention on Facebook or some shit faggot

Do something crazy on the way out bro, really shake the markets up

>You know there is nothing after death right?
Swedeshit hands typed this

No, something good will come to you. Hang in there.

don't listen to this faggot and get a femboy bf

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Someone I know just an hero'd and it made everyone very sad. Of course, this person was also very sad. Tough call op.

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>just work on yourself
>just ignore the civil unrest
>just ignore the big government surveillance and tyranny
>just ignore the Jews

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pretty dumb move doing a sudoku yourself right now.
just $3500 USD invested in RSR right now will return you several million in USD by 2025.
just keep yourself busy until then by you know, NOT killing yourself.
life is about to get really good for a lot of autists here and (You) could be one of them.

Don’t do it OP. Please get help. There are better days ahead I promise x

Is this the same suicide user who gave away 10,000 linkies

>just dont improve at anything ever because muh jews, muh fake virus, and muh gubberment
you are worse than op, go fuck your sister and dont forget kiss yourself after

undoubtedly yes. Humans are worthless trash destroying a perfectly good planet.

also if you an hero know that you are better than everyone who hasn't an heroed yet. we need more people like you.

>no one telling OP to an hero
What happened to this website

yes, why wouldnt you ignore those things you cant control and focus on yourself?

>1 post by this ID

>------TROLL LINE---------
>anyone who posts below this line has been trolled xD

refer to this
Ann Hirro .. one of teh greatest


Absolutely not. Give it a few years. Buy LOKI and stake for a year. You'll be much happier then. I guarantee it.

user don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself user.