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was $18.30/hr w/double time for me until Jun 1. Was making 2k bi-weekly after taxes and putting money into options. I will take an all or nothing risk on turning 5k into 50k than have to work in that shithole forever.

I like the random bit of chainlink.fencing
visually nip any ideas of free movement right in the fucking bud that

I make that all the time in salary, don't really do shit but hate my job. Money's good at least though

Study electrical engineering fren

What faculty are you at BTW, i'm in pack singles - worked my way up to do bullshit computer work so its pretty easy money now.

I'm actually going to college for EE while working 3x12hr weekend shifts, taking Calc 3 online right now.

is delivery really that bad?

yeah the hazard pay was nice while it lasted.
this is just how it all starts user. those pictures you’ve seen will come true soon.

ftw6. just got converted and am trying to figure out which position to get to. how’d you switch to computer position?

I just worked there for a bit, got to know the managers and started doing Problem Solve BS, time goes by 3x speed, no joke.

How did you sneak your phone past security? Are you a Ops Manager?

ARPA fixes this. Buy ARPA.

They stopped doing security screening due to Covid-19, people steal shit all the time now. Most common stolen items are dildos and wireless earbuds.