What was the 2017 bull run like? Did you make a lot of money? What was going on in the world? What did you learn? Do you think it will ever happen again?
Sometimes a dream of a 2017-like bull run again, but now it doesn’t seem so likely, so I want to hear anecdotes from people who were there themselves.
Can we get a good thread on here for once? I’m assuming by your answer you weren’t there, hence you’re a newfag. Is richfags better for you user?
Christian James
2017 really was something, lad. Peak memes and almost every shitcoin mooned no matter how useless or blatant scam it was. It was the tulipmania 2.0. I don't think it will happen again anytime soon. In the long run, only very few coins will survive if they're any useful. Better invest in pennystocks.
it was pretty hilarious granted i joined late 2017 around august. Every shitcoin and its mother was doing at least 10x. Every single one it was insane waking up after buying some retarded coin like flik and making 10x.
Aiden Robinson
Will the board ever be how it was again? It makes me sad to think about how happy everything must’ve been. Literally impossible to not make money. I wish we could just get another huge bull run like that again
Levi Gray
Now we just get scammed on uniswap shitcoins with pajeets shilling all day): and rarely any coins are going x10 despite a few select coins like STA and HEX, however those aren’t even comparable to the gains seen in 2017
Dominic Smith
>Literally impossible to not make money. haha yeah anyone who was on Zig Forums daily in 2017 and investing in crypto definitely made money, i know i sure didnt lose money buying a mix of actual garbage and ICOs
You’re not going to tell me you weren’t all in bitcoin or ethereum r-r-right user?
Adam Gray
it's better off not being the way it was to be honest. It was almost entirely about crypto except for the stockmarket/metal general and the occasional "how much (insert shitcoin) to buy this hottie?" There was a time you would just go to a website with all the new shitcoins being released, dump $100 on it, wait for 2 days, and then cash out your $300 and move on to the next one.
The memes were good but now there are actual discussions about finance and business instead of just throwing blind darts at random shitcoins and hope for the best
It was a euphoric time.You would check your portfolio and be up thousands of dollars in just a few minutes. Everything mooned and everyone felt like a genius. Then the crash happened and everyone thought it was a temporary dip. It wasn't until summer of 2018 that everyone realized it was over. I have not been able to feel that again even though my portfolio is worth almost double what it was at the peak of 2017.
Leo Ward
I feel like that’d be the worst part. How the fuck did anyone know when/if to sell? Being me I would’ve sold Ethereum at $100, no way anybody could’ve possibly thought it was headed for $1000+
Tyler Hughes
I was there you goof. But I was a newfag and didnt know better. Still rode neo and omg fairly well tho. Didnt buy link till feb 2018
Jordan Phillips
I can only imagine being all in on NEO... wonder where those anons are now
Luis Adams
I made 20k profit with 2.3k (started in 2016), could have made so much more, didn't sell off most of my position until summer of 2018, but lesson learnt I guess. Market cycle physiology was probably the most impactful thing I had taken away from the experience as a bull.
Kek so many newfags got rekt but a lots of ogs made 100x from buying it when it was called antshares
Benjamin Cooper
It was retarded. Instead of actual tech coins would moon due to a fucking logo change. It didn't even matter if it was an obvious shitcoin, it would make money.
Bought 8k link at an average of 24 cents and sold 1000 OMG for $15.
Wish I bought more link but was an unemployed poorfag.
Jordan Murphy
I appreciate your willingness to learn from the experiences and mistakes of others, so I'll offer what I learned: 1) Taking profit is never a bad idea if you've at least 2x'd your money. It felt like a waste at the time because people were making 30x left and right, but everything ends up cratering to 0 if there is no TRUE and REAL VALUE being produced by the project. 2) If you're going to invest, don't go all in on any one thing. (Except LINK, of course). You need a surplus of fiat waiting on the sidelines to seize opportunities as they arise. And you can't do that if all your capital is tied up in some shitcoin. That's also a great way to bleed money, jumping from one thing to the next without a solid plan. 3) What goes up must come down. Actually, it's kind of like sex. The average coin/project will have a slow buildup, sudden and violent climax, and then a long, slow, bleedout to 0. However, rarely you'll find a project that has the ability to keep going after multiple climaxes, and then just continue pumping (after a few rests, of course). The vast majority, however, die with the first jizzing, so get out then. 4) Your first time going from a couple thousand dollars to $100k over the course of a few months is an unimaginable feeling of euphoria. The first time I watched my $100k divebomb to $10k over the course of a few days was an unimaginable level of darkness and horror. However, as a result of going through those experiences, I am now immune to such such wild emotional swings. You need to be cold and emotionless about your investments, or you'll end up getting fucked. 5) At the end of the day, you're investing in PEOPLE. The people that comprise the company you're investing in. You can have an amazing, revolutionary idea, but if the people behind the product are A BUNCH OF MOZZARELLA CHEESE EATING FRENCH FAGGOTS WHO CONSTANTLY "PIVOT" AND CAN'T DELIVER ON ANY PROMISES OR ROADMAPS... well, you'll eventually get rekt.
what happened in 2017 is that the whole world, whole Asian countries FOMOed because it was novel and unheard of for the normies.
THIS WILL NEVER EVER EVER HAPPEN AGAIN, same as you will never have sex first time again or there will never be another iPhone craze
those kind of events are singletons lmao
crypto had been peaked the second time at 10k, thanks to binance and other casinos, and now the bubbles are bursting.
What binance and other online casinos managed to accomplish is quite impressive, but, one more time, you cannot be young again.
now fuck off
Chase Sanchez
I was 16 and turned 300$ to 700$ for the first time in my life. It was so unreal to me, nowadays I rarely browse Zig Forums and hold my small LINK stack with a steel grip.
>remember digibyte >remember mooncoin >remember reddcoin >remember tron >remember siacoin >remember bancor >remember BAT >remember steem
There’s two types of people on biz, morons and people slowly getting rich off link. Wait till link really starts pumping once something like steaking is announced, all the link OGs will come out of the woodwork and freak out.
Connor Fisher
I saw ETH selling for less than a penny a share. I ignored it because I don't lurk Zig Forums for shitcoins. It was shilled daily.
one day I came here and everything was shitcoin threads, no business posts at all. No legal posts, no startup posts, just shitcoins. ETH was $10 per share. So I fucked off.
It stayed that way until last year. I didn't get rich, the bullrun killed Zig Forums for 3 straight years. It was nuts but I missed most of it, thank god.
Cameron Robinson
Pure euphoria. Rode verge and neo into the atmosphere. Got greedy and lost 90%. Still came out in profit but could have gotten out and set myself up for life. Oh well. Live and learn.
Camden Brown
I was a student then and discovered crypto markets early december, bought TRX to the top and lost like 70% of it. It wasn't a big investment but I learned a lot getting rekt.
Then I found a job and invested a lot more into really small caps (~1M) projects in 2018-2019 ans i'm already X20 on my initial investement. Keep adding more waiting for the cycle to repeat.
Oh and I also spend hours learning TA technics, all of this to conclude that the only relevant tools are supports/resistances, MA and RSI
Adam Turner
Old fag here >Did you make a lot of money? Yes. I bought $75,000 worth of Ethereum at about $0.6 and sold at $800. Made about $100 million. >Do you think it will ever happen again? Yes.