Stock market Crash tomorrow?

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no, uncle jeromes got our back.

dead cat bounce tomorro
crash next week

give it 2 weeks enjoy the show

Wheres the bottom gonna be?

>Stock market Crash tomorrow?
no pls... someone find bobo quick

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down 2-3%, crash next week

I went full retard on puts expiring tomorrow and next friday, mostly tomorrow.

DJI - under 10k - probs 8-9k

How much are you in for?

Uhh you guys realize futures are massively up right?

that happened last time before this Jew dump today

Dow is going up 2000 points tomorrow with one good news story.

No, futures were massively down yesterday.


I hope the market crashes, im tired of overvalued shit

Blackpilled Zig Forums fag here. Give me hope for a happening Zig Forums.

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Only one employed person is left in the United States

Dow soars 800% to highs we never thought possible


Do it pussy


Quads of truth

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bros should i just fucking hold on or just cut the losses tomorrow?

you're not blackpilled you stupid midwit

first pol fags ruined "redpilled" now your watering down "blackpilled" as if people give a fuck if your from Zig Forums you misinformed brainlet

depends on what youre holding. Oil? Hold. Retail? Hold. Airlines/Cruise? dump desu

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(((they))) want you to sell

This is one of the most beautiful videos ever made fren. This is an evolved doggo.
Based, based doggo.

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What's the point on selling right now, at least wait for the bounce, I wouldn't touch anything until Wednesday next week, this week is fucked already even if there is green tomorrow it'll dump back again on Monday, until the whales like that faggot boomer Warren Buffett get back and support instead of just punching his fucking pennies like the ultra faggot he is

yeah i'm just going to wait it out. i have enough in the bank anyways. i made sure not to put all my money into one company.

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poomp it
then doomp it
then poomp it again
then doomp it again