Well, the shit is about to hit the fan

Well, the shit is about to hit the fan.

Attached: dow1.jpg (785x782, 179.54K)

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I wouldn't worry too much. Here in Italy everything opened up again and there has been no second wave.

>Coronavirus caused the economy to crash

Attached: 1591578326439.jpg (780x438, 35.42K)


Attached: 1589186109926.png (644x800, 30.11K)

Italy handled it a lot better than the US.

Italy doesn't have literally hundreds of local governments all doing different things at once, I genuinely don't see the US doing the same until the federal government stops preventing shit from happening because of how bureaucratic and retarded it is with regulations

The mistake you make is thinking in a normie rational way about this instead of "who's profiting from spreading hysteria"

Sure.. suddenly there would be worries that weren't there two days to 8 weeks ago. What kind of imbecile would even take such 'media' seriously?

Attached: file.png (430x176, 21.66K)

lmao no they really didn't.

The US had 50% more cases per 1M (among others due to more testing), but 40% fewer deaths per 1M.

Attached: italy vs us cases deaths june 12.png (355x134, 4.38K)