Even if you make it, you will still be a shouldercell
Even if you make it, you will still be a shouldercell
right one exists
his ancestors must be doing something right
How does that happen? Malnourishment? I dont think that's fixable.. fuck
fuck off back to looksmax
pointless thread user, just pointless.
Lol cope. Thats like saying if people with down syndrome reproduce and have a disabled kid, they are doing something right just for having that kid exist. What the fuck kind of low expectations do you have?
Rows x pull-ups until failure
hes got shitloads of forehead wrinkles. i wonder what the hell he worries about
Left can't crawl through narrow tunnels, is likely to get stuck. It's a miracle his ancestors were not yet pushed out of the gene pool. The streamlined chad on the right will outperform this brave mutation of mother nature on the left anytime.
No, thanks to roids I have a super coconut 3D shoulders
Please tell me this is sarcasm
Just do push ups bros
Pushups arent for your shoulders unless you mean handstand ones.
I look like that guy. None of my ancestors look like that. They have broad shoulders, wide jaw and most of them are taller than me. It's not a genetics thing for me.
Juicing should only be allowed for wide shoulder people
shoulderlet detected
Please tell me your post was also sarcasm
I really love these [insert word]-cell memes.
You guys get really creative on those.
1 Upkek.
a chimp would murder both in a second
come home human female
Wrong I'm swole af and broad af
>The Chad Swimmer
>The Virgin Poloist
Me too, I'm the smallest male in my extended family (5'9") and my hands are smaller than my mothers. My theory is it's a combination of malnutrition, hormone disruption (estrogen in everything), lack of sunlight/vit-d and long hours in front of the computer (nnEMF has been shown to suppress/hinder biological systems.
Yes, the most successful ancestral strategy of losers is to:
>Produce a lot of offspring
>Most are loser incels
>Some mutate and become not losers
You are the loser, shouldercel
Having broad shoulders is obviously a very good look, but both of these are awful
>Even if you make it, you will still be a shouldercell
What if I'm about to make it AND my shoulders and back look broad and strong?
>tfw broad shoulders
It’s definitely a genetic thing. But building your lateral delts can help with the illusion even if your width actually sucks
nice work user, were all gonna make it.
Working out will widen out your shoulders but you have to be a non cuck. Overhead press, front, lateral and anterior flys, shrugs and pullups will do the trick. The guy on the left works out.
still more kids than a flabby loser like you will ever have
I military press 325. Strict. Fuck you, my shoulderss are awesome.