I want to start growing shrooms to sell. Is there any place I can buy spore syringes online that will ship to GA...

I want to start growing shrooms to sell. Is there any place I can buy spore syringes online that will ship to GA? Nobody on reddit ships here. Is the dark web really my only option? DAMN.

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you can grow fungus if you dont shower your toes

just put like a shower cap on your toe from now on and it will grow a mushboom


Growing shrooms for profit is retarded glownigger, inb4 your "clients" die from amatoxin and phallotoxin caused liver failure.

Attached: download (8).jpg (190x266, 7.21K)

seriously? i mean there's darknet obviously, but you can literally buy the damn things on ebay. search for "grow mushrooms spores" or someshit, look for a listing which hints that they have "exotic" options or similar. they'll sell you spores.

can't imagine there's gonna be much business in this desu. don't know if you've ever used psilocybin, but it's imo the worst drug by a vast margin. no fun at all. plus you can buy it all over the damn place on clearnet, on places like wholecelium.com.

How do I short OP?

Have them shipped to a friend in another state, or to a PO box in a neighboring state. I personally don't think shrooms have a stable enough demand or enough profit to be worth the risk (even though the profit margin is enormous in total dollars it's not a lot considering the cops will charge you by weight of growing medium and not fruit) but I wish you success fungus brother

>look for a listing which hints that they have "exotic" options or similar. they'll sell you spores.
ok apparently not even that is necessary. i mean the first auction result i got was this...


Shroomery dot org
Also, buy a coffee grinder to grind them into a powder and use a capsule filler to put them in capsules. Size 00 capsules are the perfect size for 1/2 gram each.

How about spores shipped to europe?

Oh wow I've been on that site but didn't know you could buy spores on there. Do I just find a forum member who is willing to sell? Thanks for the capsule idea though

Dumb question but do you think that guy will ship to GA?

I'm sorry, that isn't the store, try Spores101.co or sporeworks. I have bought from them both, though it has been a few years

i'd have thought so. i mean spores are hardly rare, a lot of people will have psilocybin in their gardens without even realising it. 15 or so years ago i just bought the damn things on ebay. a couple of years before that they weren't even illegal in the shithole hyper-anti-drug uk.

The spores aren't illegal in most of the US but Georgia is one of three states where they are.

Awesome. Thanks man.

you can literally get life in the uk for vending shrooms, don't suppose it stops people.

buy SHRM stocks instead

Don't. The profit margins are shit

Haha yea I went mushroom foraging a couple weeks ago but I'm scared of finding a copycat shroom that actually poisonous and kills me lmao

Are you kidding me? The margins are fucking cracking. After you recoup your initial cost of

I'm not trynna be a millionaire off it I mainly just want to grow for fun

I bought 2 oz of shrooms off the darkweb a month ago for $200/oz for one of my friends and he has already asked me to order him 4 more ounces. You just have to have a large customer base. Putting them in caps lets you charge a premium. Who wants to choke down whole dried mushrooms.

P. cubensis has no actual copycat. If it's golden brown, has the torn veil, and bruises blue you're 99% in the clear. Make sure you catch a spore sample if you're really worried.

Yea plus all this

Profit margins are comparable to growing weed except it's a lot easier to grow and you can harvest much faster

Man do you just ship it to your house. I'm always sketched out about that and abort mission right before I buy but there's really no other way. I don't live in an area where there's 5 abandoned trap houses in my neighborhood

Nice, didn't know that. Imma have to do some more research and see if it grows around my area

Look there is factually somebody (probably several) at your job who smoke weed. Get in with them, and almost guaranteed their dealer can get you shrooms. Or if you don't want to do that, grow your own. You don't NEED a pressure cooker and that's the big investment, you can grow happy ounces on the cheap.

This. I bought spores several years ago and it was incredibly easy. Just do some research, put some cash in an envelope and give it a couple of weeks. Think I paid around $20 but it's been a long time and can't remember exactly. It was a really fun project and I want to do it again sometime.

Yes, it just gets shipped to my house. Make sure to use someone with a lot of reviews and always use pgp. I mostly order weed, which I don't think is all that risky. Since it is legal in many places now, I don't think the feds are going to any great length to bust people buying. Shrooms would be slightly riskier I suppose. If my house were more sterile I would just grow the shrooms but I have a dog and live in a house that is far from airtight, so I end up with contamination issues.

Yea a couple people at my job take shrooms. I bought from them but none of their guys grows them.

You mailed the money?

Idk how the black market for them works really, you usually get some shit ass looking shrooms from God knows where it's wild. When you grow your own they're all gorgeous and clean


Bet I might check out that option to sourcing a spore syringe. I know this is prolly an easy Google search but what's the payment process like? You just buy a prepaid visa gift card and buy some Bitcoin to load onto your account on a dark web market? Trynna stay anonymous and shit ya know?