Kleros has Launched

I repeat, the rocket left the station.

Accumulation period has now been terminated.

Attached: launch.png (1392x824, 185.16K)

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I’ll believe it when I see it
t. In since last year

G1 rocket power checked. The memes werent larps wtf!!

Okay I’m reading the posts this is unironically based. This pic could potentially be reality soon

Attached: D100EE11-2B64-4AE5-8BCA-F5F16B831DB3.jpg (1280x649, 101.44K)

I hold kleros but this seems irrelevant.

>paj in ID
Why’s that? This Kleros Curate project is literally about taking control of data and the reliability of sources

I'm going to curate a list of the biggest faggots on BIZ and you're on it nigger.

Attached: EYENuYcXQAE7Qr9.jpg (1000x737, 196.04K)


Attached: 1587993565287.jpg (625x464, 71.25K)


Attached: 1582294534392.png (1305x846, 1.76M)

I'm so fucking pumped. Most of biz or the rest of the world haven't even comprehended the implications of this being launched. Vitalik is going to fap over this dapp. FAP DAPP coming 2 u on Kleros soon

Brainlet I probably bought in before you

When rich sirs?

manlets with low confidence who second guess themselves and too stupid to understand the relevance of curation simply just won't make it

Attached: 1589807510568.jpg (1920x1920, 257.64K)

hey guys I finally got some ETH i'm willing to let go and i'm interested in buying PNK. I've bought an ETH based token before. Can I just use Metamask and send the PNK there from Uniswap? No problem right?

yes fren, get your eth in metamask, go to uniswap and you're set

yes that is exactly how it works be careful for fake tokens always verify the contract address first it is 0x93ed3fbe21207ec2e8f2d3c3de6e058cb73bc04d and can be verified here etherscan.io/token/0x93ed3fbe21207ec2e8f2d3c3de6e058cb73bc04d

Deversifi already using it

Oh no my PNKIES!!! They are gone wtf





what a piece of useless shit, seriously



I'm gettin ETH vibes. No wonder Vitalik has been so engaged.

Vitalik knows

Literally the new web-based trust layer.

Curate looks amazing. This is a groundbreaking project!

Meta kek

What is the ticker for Curate?


Pretty sure kleros curated lists have been around for awhile. It was what made uniswap.ninja possible. What am I missing here?
