You ARE using a dVPN right user?

a-a-user.... ive heard that all people browsing /biz are on IRS and NSA crypto-list....
.....i hope you are protecting yourself...
....i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you

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Other urls found in this thread:

What? Got my Nord VPN fag

g-good luck with your NSA honeypot....
...i like h-honey too user

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Hahaha this must be a joke. Is this some sort of masochist ritual? Do you enjoy your data being mined as much as you enjoy your asshole being mined?

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Back again? No one actually answered me why this project needs a token on the last thread. Also what's up with the price?

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SENT token will be used to secure sent dpos chain based on tendermint it will work the same as tezos and cosmos.
the token will also have secondary utility to pay for dvpn and other services offered on top of the chain.
without its own chain the whole project wouldn't work as some of the dvpn logic is executed by the chain itself.

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Well I'm sure that works? Will the foundation or whatever run nodes... basically how will number go up if I invest do the tokens go back. Trying to understand the economy.

validator nodes will be run by validators and you will be able to stake your SENT with them

dVPN nodes can be run by anyone even yourself and you will be able to sell your bandwidth

how much interest will i get from staking ?

it will be much higher then cosmos and tezos cause sent has a much smaller mcap, also you will get incentivized to spend the earned interest to pay for services on the chain with better deals.
sent will be trying to help the formation of a sustainable internal economy.
after main net however the dvpn side should also get fiat gateways so people will be able to interact with sent dvpn the same as they do with a normal centralized vpn

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If sent gets real revenue i can see an enormous growth potential, it could become a very big dvpn provider in few years

thats a big if, but i think already with crypto user coins they could get significant revenue, there is a lot of people that pay vpn with btc or xmr

Paying for a vpn with credit card is a sure way to end up on a list

that's the reason most VPN providers get aquired by governments shell companies the moment they start getting bigger, nsa or mossad and succesfully infiltrated every vpn provider.
there has never been a VPN provider who can prove they are secure and not infiltrated by govs, sent will try to solve this problem by allowing everybody to sell their bandwidth on a global platform so that gov gets out competed and it will also allow to route traffic between multiple nodes similarly to how tor does it (adding packet obfuscation on top)

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My VPN will never work. It wont let me post when I use it. Does not matter anyway the spooks are only looking for psychos and criminals of which Im neither.

yes please sirs i want to share my traffic with a pajeet using wireshark to steal my banking information just by sharing my bandwidth (which is a concept since the 90s)


same as tor everything is end to end encrypted before entering the sent dvpn network, if everybody could see unencrypted content then tor wouldn't work either.
read some on basic encryption and how it works.
also you will have a multi-hop relay net that will allow anybody to pass their data through as many nodes as they want, so nobody will be able to understand who is requesting the packets

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privacy can happen only if the anonymity set is big enough, privacy loves company, by not using your right to privacy you are damaging everybody else.
the government shouldn't have the power to see everything you do, that's a very fast road to communism

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>the tech has been possible since the 90s
not true before the invention of bitcoin any of this wasn't possible, the point of sentinel is to allow people to sell and buy traffic , without blockchains this wouldn't be possible, sent is actually one of the few legit usecases for crypto tech

people try to weaken coloective privacy with their more government stance

crypto is about decreasing the influence and the over reach of government in our daily life.
take away power from intermediaries and make everything more efficient , anything telling you " i have nothing to hide" is just a communist in disguise, thats how they rekt german during the berlin wall/ commie time.
if government has access to all your convos and data any government employee with bad intentions can black mail you, imagine you become a politicians or ceo and nsa starts to black mail you cause you were too much of a cuck to protect yourself.
everybody will know about your fetish cause thats what cucks that don't like privacy fap to

Take your meds Schizo

go back to reddi t normie

thats why usa wants to ban encryption, they want direct access to everything, imagine how much easier spying would have been for Obama, ruling party would have inifinite amounts of blackmail for any political opponent.
thats why open source tools are the core of resistance against government.
encrypted data, non government money, are the tools of the coming revolution

pentagon has plans for a bitcoin based rebellion of zoomers, you couldn't be more right

Thats an amazing goal, sent needs way more nodes before that can happen

SENT is a scam that is trying to get you to install TROJANED SOFTWARE to STEAL YOUR KEYS! Why would you install their insecure hack of an open source VPN anyway. Go away scammers.. we kicked you out before and we will do it again.

I'm skeptical but this is just autistic.

here is the classic royal "we" of the incel, sentinel use default openVPN that gets installed from the default openVPN repository and if you don't trust the default openvpn installer packaged into the software you can just download openvpn from the official site and sentinel will work just fine, also around 60k weekly users are trusting this service with top tier rating on playstore.
you are just a retard go back to 9 gag normie

what keys ? sent generates its own keys and the software is on testnet so tokens in there are just mocktokens.
seems you are a brainlet