Is it better to buy a car or lease a car?

Is it better to buy a car or lease a car?

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I worked at a dealership for a few years and pretty much every manager leased instead of bought which is a good enough indicator for me

Hey b0ss

t. 59 IQ nigger

It makes sense if you want to drive something nice and new, but if you don't care about that it's wasteful

your gonna get taxed anyway so you might as well lease and use it as a deductable
also cars depreciate fast, no point in owning one unless you plan to sell it within the same year

It's best to actually learn about cars and save yourself money by buying the right ones for you.

a horse is unironically a better investment than either leasing or buying a car

*Blocks your path*

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You can deduct car leases payments? Does it have to be registered to an LLC?

As with women... Why would you want to own a depreciating asset?

We are hitting based levels never thought possible, captain.

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If you care about always having a new expensive car it can make sense to lease, but financially speaking you're a retard if you're not buying used for cash or maybe financing if it's a $30k+ car and you have good credit

this t b h

It has to be for a “business purpose.” If you get audited prepare to get fucked though

get a 90 or early 2000s Toyota/Honda/Saturn s-series, things will last forever and cheap to maintain. Invest the money you saved.

Gay instagram, boom done. Like dudes getting fucked on a lambo. Extra gay.

My daily driver cost me 1/3 of my monthly pay

Fucking nice, live in your car bruh

Buy 2nd hand. Never buy new. My friends lease, they have a self parking car for 2 years, then just a 5k bill n nothing.
I have 10 year old Peugeot, park myself, cost 1800... n I can still sell the car.

I bought a second hand car. Just a few years old no issues and same joy

If you must buy new wait until the end of the year. Dealerships will be eager to rid their prior year models to make room for the newer models so you can get good deals. This year especially you might get some great discounts in the 4th quarter because nobody is buying cars due to the coof.

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Honda Jazz is a good little car, and women go weak at the knees when you rock up in it. Lambos just make you look like an asshole who's worried about his cock

not bad for 8 days of work. I was a neet back then

Most cars are deteriorating assets, always lease.

Start a YouTube channel and lazily upload to it. If you already have a business or side business, slap a decal of your business on it. You can do it with an Instagram as well.

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buy. unless your wealthy and rely on imagine to continue being successful. then just lease something to match the aesthetics of your concealed carry.

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If you want the new model of some hot car, wait until it's been around for a year or 2, then buy a lightly used one with less than 10k miles and save a shit ton of money.

it's because they deduct it as business expense to reduce taxation

Hey you low IQ Lease fags, you’re paying a 15% interest rate when you lease a car. Dealerships don’t have to disclose this to you, since you are just renting the car. You lose more money leasing, you just fall for the bait. Dealerships push leasing so fucking hard on you, and you think they’re doing you a favor!!?? KEK!!
you cucks love to be owned.
You are owned by your landlord, credit card company, the banks, your boss, AND your dealership.
Cash is king, and there’s a reason you will retire at 65. Stupid plebes.
Your managers get a large discount and shill leases to you because it increases their holiday bonuses. The employees and the public are being victimized by leasing and they don’t even know it! It’s like the cigarette of the car industry. You idiots deserve to be broke. Enjoy that Beamer

Depends on how much the car costs, how much buying power you have, and what else you could be doing with the money that would go into a car payment.

Never lease.
Never, ever buy new.
Never ever, ever, ever buy new luxury or sports cars.
Buy a Toyota or Honda model at least 2 years old with at least 50k miles. If you need a truck for work, find a way to deduct it.
If you're rich, get a car service so you can work during your commute.

Cars are for simps

I'm unironically going to be a used Lambo.

The richest people I know drive pretty average cars
The only reasons to buy expensive new cars are if you are trying to impress others for business or you are a dumb whore spending someone else's money

itt incels not getting road head in cheap ass 1990s cars

just look how the pathetic pink car cower in the towering chad car's shadow

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Lease but make sure you don't get cucked with anything less then 14k miles a year, thats how they get you when it's time to return the car

Depends on scenario, but typically buying is better if you can afford it because you don’t have to pay interest.

If you are a big company and are always needing new work vehicles leasing is a good option because it keeps your cash flow going without exhausting your funds.

If you are a nigger and just want something to show off to impress thots and your friends then you can probably lease something expensive that would take you forever to save up and buy.

You avoid a lot of depreciation but maintenance/parts on imports and special snowflake cars will hurt more than you think, which will only increase for a supercars as it gets older.

It's not worth it unless you're a legitimate enthusiast,at which point leasing would never even be something you'd consider. Nobody fucking cares about your silly loud car.

absolutely based

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