CSW is claiming the address of the Mtgox hack. What an absolute retard. Don't forget to mock a low BSVtard everyday.
BSVtards on suicide watch
Other urls found in this thread:
CSW is an embarrassment to BSV
Just let them lose their money in peace, it is funny yes, but no need to bring attention to this shitcoin
CSW is BSV, don't try to seperate the two.
To all biznizmen: don't let these jeets distance themselves from the man they've been worshipping since the start.
>CSW is an embarrassment
yup. Bigger embarrassment being the fucking idiot who backed him unquestioningly tho
>ok, maybe he's not Satoshi after all
>creg doesn't matter
get. to. fuck.
you drowned in your sewage jeets
Only brainlets think BSV isn't the best. Whatever, stay in the dark
So Satoshi hacked Mt Gox
>craig's lawyers
>dear sirs
How many d chess is this?
As owner of the BitCoin database he can move coins at will. Its his property
the hack happened in june btw that wallet removed funds in march
creg gone kill himself
what was meant by this?
Wow! So when I buy into BSV, I give full control of my money to CSW! What a great way to secure my money, I'm all in.
Still a better deal than Bitcoin Core central banking desu.
Why does BSV have such a cheap, gaudy logo?
how do i get a cool wallet names like this
not having a small bcash stack is so retarded
There's less complicated ways to commit suicide.
it's called a vanity address
Good try Greg
>muh hack
you low IQs are pathetic
no they are already rationalizing it as bullish for them just like they do it every time creg is btfo
ahahahhahaha jesus when will you fags learn
>not your keys not your coins
that simple
He's doing it to throw you corecucks off the trail, he's 5 moves ahead at all times.
>As owner of the BitCoin database he can move coins at will. Its his property
>Bigger embarrassment being the fucking idiot who backed him unquestioningly tho
and here he is
bang on cue:
>creg is going to legally enforce receipt of $800 million in stolen property to himself
fucking cretin
no he's just going to take developmental rights away from blockstream and bcashies for copying his database in the forks
then he will take greg to court for stealing those addresses and documents he set in a honey pot for you
he is a whitehat hacker or did you forget greggles?
i hope you didn't leave any evidence during your little incursion
Craig wins.
yeah, the worlds most hacked 'security expert', we know. Protip: you can't keep threatening to take random people to court when (a) - you're an inveterate idiot loser who no-one takes srs (b) - you need to pay court and lawyer fees and are nearing personal bankruptcy from your own continual losses (c) - you don't have, nor have ever had, a case, against anyone, to begin with. This is whats known as a vexatious litigant. They never win, they can end up barred from the courts altogether but, more likely, they go bankrupt from their own losses first.
creg NEVER wins. ever.
So, which step is he at now?
Kek, he's such a fucking retard.
Sit on meta mask n create 100 addresses till you roll something cool. Getting a word in the first letters is impossible at this point I think.