*seethes absolutely everyone*
*seethes absolutely everyone*
Its quite likely now the shareholders of mtgox will be forced to sue calvin. they will likely need to bring criminal charges now against both creg and calvin.
things just moved from "funny based man" to "criminal charges"
smart money should get out of bsv for a while....
doubt it
You do understand that he fucked up and claims to own the address which the stolen coins were sent to, correct?
nice id brah
you're a real idiot then. it order to proceed with the bankruptcy claim legally, they need to pursue the thief.
This totally vindicates Mark K from it being an "inside job" and now dumb dumb wright just took full blame and put calvin on the hook to payout claimants
what happened?
this shitshow just keeps on giving
Craig claimed to own the address which the stolen MtGox coins went to. Essentially making himself out to be the thief.
creg just stupidly claims to own the address that the 80k stolen mtgox coins were moved to.
that case has now been litigated for 6 years and creditors were being offered pennies on the dollars on their initial claim. This will now blow up all those settlements and re-open the case from being civil bankruptcy to criminal.
why can’t creg just say oopsie and claim he was mistaken about that particular address
Seems like an easy sidestep
Because he stupidly defended his claim already.
too late he's now saying Mark K is the liar....
this is why i'm saying, this will turn criminal because mtgox trustees legally need to pursue this....
he’s lost his touch
because it was in a letter with only two addresses listed. it would be one thing if it was his 16k address list he provided the courts.
He already fucked up this bullshit claim.
He's not going to be prosecuted because he will backtrack on this. However, if there is any smoothbrain who still believes Craig is Satoshi, this is the nail in the coffin. He's just a sleazy liar and he's too stupid to vet his own lies in legal statements.
He seethes no one, he is not based. He is the running joke of crypto. Only 70iq or less thinks he's "based".
this is peak fud
the moon will astronomical
>this is the nail in the coffin
not the first one not the last most likely
Uh, he's essentially made a claim that he's stolen millions. That would suggest that he is now going to face serious prison time.
MOAR SV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't agree M0ar. This shit is entertaining as fuck. craig wants to be Satoshi so bad that he's willing to rot in a Japanese prison at this point!
Fucking hilarious watching all of this. The information asymmetry here is incredible. You are all completely wrong, both sides are, and CSW knows exactly what he's doing right now
No. He fucked up royally this time.
No, you are completely in the dark right now. Anyone thinking this will end unfavorably for CSW is a fool.
I mean if you think ending up in a Japanese prison is favorable, then sure. lol
What do you insufferable faggots getnout of this LARP? Is your life so devoid of wins that you have to cling to the delusion that you know something others do not that makes a sloppy proven scammer some kind of contrarian genius? Or are you going through some kind of le epic troll phase? Grow up.
he committed perjury like a dozen times so far
This fucking guy.
>He is a world level piano player
>He was a James bond like spy in venezuela and Iraq
>He was shot twice saving a woman
>He is a michelin level chef
>He helped arrest Paul Leroux
>He invented bitcoin
>He stole MtGox
This fucking guy won't shut up until he's behind bars.
so lemme get this straight... if i add satoshis known addresses to my mycelium app as sd wallets and show it to this guy he will give me a paper that states he witnessed the addresses and it appeared to him i can control the satoshi coins if i wanted to?
what kind of retarded nonsense is this?
not to mention htc? what kind of poorfag larping as a billionaire sports a htc?
I know things that you don't know, simple as that
God it's so funny how Creg is such a weird motherfucker yet he's also Satoj. What a fucking timeline.
well said user