How do I invest specifically in red states?
Is there a way to specifically invest in their recovery?
How do I invest specifically in red states?
Is there a way to specifically invest in their recovery?
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I'm trying to invest in the red states so that I can ignore the drag that blue states are causing by remaining closed and trying to destroy their economies for apparently political reasons.
Most blue states support their red state neighbors financially. Are people here really this fucking stupid? Why the fuck would you want to invest in anything red.
>Oklahoma and West Virginia
>not a single blue county
Like it or not, the blue areas are the economic engines of the world. Go ahead and invest in Mississippi and see how that works for ya.
Municipal bonds. They are cash strapped right now so they will need to borrow however the tax base will return since they aren't destroying their economies with lockdowns and anarchotyrannical riots
Gun manufacturers
Why all the seething? Red states are roaring blue states are anemic shitholes. I'm sure this will go over your heads but the reason blue states have so much money is SALT deductions. Luckily this is coming to an end. Stay in your basements idgaf but red states are roaring. Seethe.
Poor dumb white people who live off subsistence hunting/farming don't contribute much to the economy.
Blue states contribute nothing but crime
Oh those imaginary people don't contribute, shocking
Killing the salt deduction was the one based thing Trump has done. Fuck financing these cesspools.
Why would I be angry at some retard voicing his false retard facts? “Red states are roaring” lul. Imagine being this retarded unironically.
>Rockefeller institute
>the reason blue states have so much money is SALT deductions
Behold the /biz retard. Proudly wallowing in his ignorance, desperately glancing around for the approval of his fellow mongoloid.
Pic related is you Zig Forumsposting angrily from your locked down shithole lmao
>all the red states with military bases and naval ports get a lot of money from the government
big think
Here’s direct numbers if you think that graph is jew magic or whatever.
Why are you seething? Go kneel to some niggers
that guy smiles a lotssssss
Did I strike a nerve? Are you shaking so badly that things are falling off the shelf in your rat infested trailer?
This. But this faggot is braindead
Lmao spot on. He's probably vitamin D deficient, can cause moodiness and depression.
Blue = cities
Red = rural
everything with growth is in the cities
I feel like this was typed through tears, I'm not sure why you're so angry when I was just giving OP some investment advice. Are you nonwhite? That would explain the poor control you have over your emotions
calls on niggers & mountain dew
puts on education & industry
Well no shit red states have all the military bases except for california (which was ultra republican pre-mass migration). Remove military spending
>throwing state money at something federally controlled that could be closed on a whim because it’s cuck contracts are the only thing keeping your shitty economy afloat.
>thinking this is a good thing