Flama exchange listing coming soon - whisper of Binance DEX

I’ve fomod in but nothing major. I don’t want to miss the boat but I’m not convinced it’s not all just shit talk lol.

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It’s a 3% burn token with staking and plans to use across a network of apps, one of which is file sharing. If the devs pull it off it’ll be massive. IF a they pull it off.

For now I’m in for a small bag. Will see how it goes.


I’ll be honest im done with all the scam shit on here, but every time i don’t go in i seem to lose out. it seems to be hit or miss which ones make it to decent money. i decided it’s better to buy small amounts of lots of things than one big amount of one thing so I don’t have a make it stack I’m sure but a small amount if it does go somewhere should be ok returns.

if this hits Binance dex im retiring lol

Why is the burn rate significant? Why not just have a set supply?

Most bullish thing I've seen is that they're making a balancer pool for FMA. It's going to be STA on FUCKING STEROIDS. 10 million marketcap EOW

price is a function of supply and demand. reduce the supply with no change to demand and the price increases

It’s the first burn token to support on chain dapps. Every time a token is used in conjunction with one of the apps on the network 3% of the circulating supply is burned and the tokens become more scarce ie more valuable. If you used this in conjunction with file sharing or music streaming service it would literally rocket in price.

they dont burn 3% of the CIRCULATING SUPPLY lmao. that would be ridiculous. its 3% per transaction

>3% of the circulating supply

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Complete brainspaz. Transaction lol soz biz. Retard alert.



>3% of the circulating supply is burned and the tokens become more scarce ie more valuable.

how is dysfunctional deflationary economics good for the value of some shitty coin? do retards really think this works?

Where have you 'seen' this, cause I haven't heard anything about that so I just went on telegram and dm'd one of the devs. He said they are not working on anything like that right now.

Yesterday I saw one of the telegram admins say they were actively looking into it. doesn't necessarily mean it's in active development. I'm sure a Balancer pool is coming eventually though and that's what's important. It doesn't have to be the devs who makes one. A balancer pool is so great for the tokenomics of any deflationary token that I'm sure every single one that survives will get one eventually

Swinging like a bitch today guys. Gains up and down the track

I’ve sold 200k of mine just to siphon profits. Keeping the rest. Got in super early and been burned by hodling so just making sure I’m still making something lol

Should I sell? Is isn't making anything but downward moves.

It broke back over 1.5c today man.

Why the fuck would this shitcoin hit finance? Its 7 days old with no real exchanges and no whitepagers.

8 days until whitepaper guise

It's literally dumping

how much of this shitcoin to make it? and how to stake??

Everyone that spent at least one second in the telegram group knows this is utter bullshit and the "developers", I don't even want to call them this way, are going to exit scam in a few days. How stupid are people nowadays?

Holy fuck. I'm done with these low cap shitcoins. The telegram is full of fucking morons too. Why do I buy this shit

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they're just spanish fucks but this shit is going to pump hard. no exit scam until 4c at least. they didn't do it before at ATH

Team Girl does it for the Team

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What's the play here? Should I hodl or sell?

accumulate until whitepaper in 8 days and then reevaluate

Imagine a vaporwave whitepaper would make this pump. Deluded bagholders. Their telegram is full of retarded pajeets also.

im retarded what am i looking at here

also btw they spelled whitepaper with two ps is that not alarming to any1?