Depressed about being too ugly to find someone

>Depressed about being too ugly to find someone
>Decides to focus on making money to forget suicidal thoughts
>Goes on Zig Forums
>Always 20+ threads of beautiful girls
>Suicidal thoughts return

Why is it everything so hard?

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fucking assholes

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I would fuck his asshole

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You think there feeling of loneliness is bad,wait until you actually get successful and realize the entire concept of love is fake.

You're never going to get a perfect virgin. All the hottest women just branch swing between Chads as they get bored. You'll eventually get tired of them and setttle for average women that have all fucked 5-10 guys, which puts them at a 50%+ chance of divorce. Then you'll be laying in bed with her at night with subconscious thoughts that women cannot love men and your divorce rape is inevitable if you don't leave, but you don't want to go back to being alone, so you ignore it.


How old are you? Coming from an attractive user, it's nice to be "hot" bit finding genuine, worth while companionship was almost impossible until my late 20's. And fake, hook up connections eventually make you suicidal.

Grass is always greener, user. If it's any consolation, you could eventually afford plastic surgery. And having been married for some time now, I can say with complete honesty that women really do genuinely care more about solid personality than looks.

>married, one kid on the way
>start browsing Zig Forums to make more money
>always threads of hot girls (males)
>can only get hard to traps now
thanks Zig Forums

this bicycle seat gets more than all your portfolio.

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my wife is a 9/10, she was Mormon and a Virginia when we met. She's a 4.0 med student.

Not all women are whores, you just suck at partner selection.

It's truth but also if u understand it and move above it you can again just npc mode enjoy it while knowing the fact. Remember bros that life is paradox and its not black and white. Just live like you are going to meet a cool girl and you will eventually attract someone. That's why yoy don't want to live with attitude that you will always be alone because that's what you are going to attract. You will all make it bros in many ways but you must accept how life works. Decide, belive and do the action and you will attract everything you want.

Start working out. In home, outside or gym but do the action. Do it between trades or games.

Hope you're improving yourself enough to stay above her. Hypergamy will kick in hard when she graduates making doctor money and you're not. You're fucked if she meets Dr. Chad at work

How do I stop cooming everyday?

women are like getting a job. The qualifications only mean so much. If some guy is bigger than you or bigger peen etc if hes not the right 'fit' for them they won't want them

You're mostly right.

Law of attraction is real, in the sense that what you put out will come back to you. If I think about how shitty women are and how they're all vapid, selfish whores then guess what? I'm going to attract shitry, valid, selfish whores.

If I put out energy that I respect and love women who respect and love themselves, the kind of women with self respect and compassion for others will sense it and want to be around me.

There are people who stay married for decades at the same level of happiness and trust, I can honestly say my wife is still my best friend after years of marriage. But it took me a lot of growing up before I could be the person to attract her.

Accept this anons and for real just start working out. Not for the looks or the women but to kick start your system and increase your brains ability to do shit and repair itself. Women literaly come in the side if u focus being better man and best at your craft.

Who hurt you, baby?

Jesus fucking Christ, what is it with white men hating their own women? Do you not realize how brain washed you've been?

Women are fine. Good women are not mindless fuck beasts with no loyalty or sense of duty. White women statistically cheat less, argue less and divorce less than any other group besides Asians.

Post a pic of yourself so we can accurately gauge on how to improve


Oh sweet child.

Damn bruh. Family court is going to have a field with you

You have to live. If only to see your little linkies grow up.

Everybody has struggles. Other people just hide it better than you do. Get that Goggins mentality and change yourself for the better.

do you plan on writing a book about this or how is this business related ?

I made a account and on the first day I had a bitch messaging me and a bunch of oher matches, and I am nowhere close to a Chad. You just need to put yourself out there.

Made me laugh

Hey user, your problem is the view of your life. You just only crying about your situation, but you don‘t change the way your life is going on. Go out walk, go to the gym and move your ass to place where you can find new people. Don‘t complain, when you never try it. Money is not the solution for your depression, its the way you think about your self and life.

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You know what your problem is? You (and the rest of the lepers here, by the way) think you're such hot shit when in reality you're more like a 3/10 with no prospects. But you all think you deserve nothing less than an 11/10 supermodel.

I'd settle for your mom.

>Depressed about being too ugly to find someone
>Decides to focus on making money to forget suicidal thoughts

it doesn't matter what step 3 is, you will lose with that attitude.
erase step2. go back to being depressed for being too ugly and settle there. do NOT settle for low quality women. what you do is deal with your fucking thoughts. maybe you're meant to be alone in this life, maybe you will bloom later, maybe you could be handsome with a few weeks of work but it's really not actually what you want.

doesn't matter. what matters is that you deal with your thoughts for what they are you embrace them rather than focus on X to forget thoughts of Y. never try to run away from yourself because your inner issues will always catch up with you. you can run away from anything else, but always deal with your own thoughts.

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It's not all what it's cut out to be user. Been there done that.