Why does this image trigger internet nazis so much?

Why does this image trigger internet nazis so much?

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>to be fair,

I don’t see why this would upset fascists. I’m full blown libertarian though.

it doesn't

>Zig Forums - Business & Finance

All that fuckin text, that's what's triggering.

Great finance thread.

>society is slavery
so deep and profound

This is what I’m talking about

Because 13% of our society creates 55% of the crime and is a tax burden

>rick and morty

Attached: 106C05FF-B88E-4691-AB9E-822D1DF429CA.png (454x520, 102.04K)


>he’s still in his edgy Zig Forums contrarian phase

like an anti road libertarian or a stop regulating corporations libertarian?

You sure showed those Nazis, user.
Go ahead and pat yourself on the back.
You got them good!

Legal to sell heroin to children libertarian

do you give money to the homeless person asking for change on the street ?

>>he’s still in his edgy Zig Forums contrarian phase

Attached: D3CBDF15-0187-4DA4-BAE0-BFFE48C29204.png (225x225, 8.25K)

Not a nazi, quite the opposite of it actually.
But this has nothing to do with business nor with finance, ya piece of shit.

Probably because the guy behind Ricky and Morty is an open pedophile who makes videos promoting molesting kids - which means youre carrying water for a pedophile any time you mention it.

>is an open pedophile

>Can't take a joke about a baby.
How is everything in the CHAZ?

the true blackpill is all of society is slavery with extra steps

that’s retarded

what a blackpill mane, what about Santa, is he fake too ?


We both know Santa is real and lives in bunker with Mozart at edge point of the FLAT earth

This show is so pseud its infuriating

I wish this show or anything related to it would never cross my path again

>to be fair

And if you are not in a society you are destined to plow the earth

This is also what I’m talking about

/smg/ is Zig Forums, the rest is just socializing with biz-bros

Attached: 34.png (985x1663, 690.77K)


This thread was made by a Fed

What's wrong with to be fair? Do retards use it wrong or something?

it's first three words of a copypasta about rick and morty. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Zig Forums