Is blm best scam of 2020

Is blm best scam of 2020

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is Zig Forums on the case or hwat

>donating money to black people
why pay taxes then?


seems like

Attached: blmccp.jpg (1206x157, 73.97K)


>bernie bros getting fleeced twice in one year
it's just too fucking funny

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Just bought more $FLYD

Kek it just keeps getting funnier

It goes directly to the Democrat party.

Attached: BLM_actblue_donations.png (589x649, 117.23K)

no covid-19 is.

Democrats are literally fucking evil

38.2 billion to israel

cope antifa

>everyone who hates my shabbos goy of a president and his jewish family and advisors is antifa

back to /ptg/, chaim.

Our greatest ally
Thank you trump
I love our jewish neighbors also

>not going to black communities
fucking evil as fuck man.

I donated about $30 to Trump's campaign.


Attached: 1548357773864.gif (1027x731, 116.15K)

This is a proven fake disinformation picture. Google it

That is an intermediary which facilitates donations to BLM. That pictures is representative of the total donations they have facilitated for any cause, not necessarily BLM.

back to your autonomous cuckzone wh*teoid

Did you get the camo keep america great hat?

Limited edition?

I've never donated to a candidate before, and he's not perfect, but this time I don't see anybody else talking about reality. They're saying crazy shit and insulting Trump and digging up dirt on him instead of refuting anything he's talking about. He's the best we have. These BLM terrorists taking over is the end of America and the world. I don't know what else to do.

I don't wear hats but it looks cool.

remember when ferguson BLM organizers started dying one by one in fires, drug overdoses and random violence and it was all classified as suicides and nobody batted an eye? good times

Well it's quite a simple choice. If Trump doesn't win, you are going to get murdered by communists for being a reactionary or ever having uttered anything not in line with Party orthodoxy. It will be literal hell on earth if the democrat demons ever get back in control.

The communist revolution is here. If you want to know what happened in the other ones, the 20th century has plenty of examples of what happens to political dissidents. Like the cultural revolution in China or the bolshevik revolution in Russia millions upon millions were killed, tortured and even eaten by paramilitary groups, state officials or secret police, simply for having the wrong opinions.

Technology is even more powerful now, and everyone's social media posts are stored and indexed in government facilities ready to find dissidents and wrongthinkers. They just need back control of the White House...

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Pretty strange how they went completely radio silent after the 2016 election, then woke back up just in time for 2020 election. Funny how that worked out. Almost like its not actually about black lives, but George Soros exploiting them to make sure the blacks keep voting Democrat.

Holy shit mate no I hadnt heard about this at all. Source, I wanna read more.

This is what people fail to get. This rioting and declaring your own country and disbanding police shit terrifies everybody, of all colors and on all sides of the divide. But since its not politically expedient to say this out loud since it means you obviously hate black people, what happens instead is people do their talking at the voting booth. Trump wins in another landslide and all the pundits are scrambling again to figure out wtf happened.