>barely pays taxes
>receives corporate welfare
>bullied seattle into repealing a bill taxing his company
>treats warehouse workers like slaves
>most of them are on food stamps
>everyone loves/hates him
Is he based?
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how do these prominent and inherently evil figures avoid getting shanked?
depends what he ends up doing with his wealth
where are the automated amazon cybercities and drone armies? the potential is there but I don’t see the development happening particularly quickly
For a company that has become such a ubiquitous part of infrastructure they seem to operate in the shadows
Fuck off commie
>is a jew based?
hes not a member of the tribe
i’m pretty indifferent to him. although i’m pretty sure he’s HAD to have done some shady shit to get to where he is, i just don’t know about what he’s been accused of that’s so terrible.
but what REALLY grinds my gears are all the fucking normies bitching about ‘omg worlds first trillionaire he could give everyone $10bajillion and solve world hunger and still be super rich!’
like, fuck man, all these fucking people put him where he is when they wouldn’t stop bitching about delivery times and all that shit. all he did was capitalize on people’s fucking constant need for cheap plastic bullshit and now they wanna turn on him. nobody needs that many adult coloring books you fucking normie. even if he did give away money to them all these fucking people would just spend it on more bullshit anyways. fuckem
Socialists always miss the fact that it's literally this guys job to find gaps in the system and exploit them, and he's obviously one of the best at it
i agree with you user
very based honestly he's become the richest man and subtly but surely grabbing into the kind of power money alone can't buy. we'll see where he gets.