By 24, you should have graduated college with a Bachelor's degree and be 2 years into your career.
2 years is plenty of time to figure out where you want to live.
Most 30 year olds still rent (lol) between the ages of 24 and 30, that rentcuck will have paid (drum roll) $65,000 in rent @ 900/month
*poof* gone
a $900 mortgage gets you a $160,000 house with 3.5% down AND THAT $900/month INCLUDES TAXES, INSURANCE, AND INTEREST
a financially secure MortgageChad™ will have ~$30,000 in equity by 30 years old and for shits and gigs could do a cash-out re-finance to liquidate 98% of that equity into cold hard cash.
Also women respect homeowners. Absolutely the easiest way to dab on rentcucks. they are literally beneath you
what's with all these buy a house shill posts on here lately are they zillow employees or real estate agents or what
Ryder Ramirez
oh no it's the schizo real estate shill again nobody is buying your bags. we're seeing the RE bubble popping this year and all your mortgages are gonna blow up. just deal with it already, but whatever you do stop trying to shill your bags to neets because the few who can even consider buying a house here are far too smart to fall down to your level of stupidity.
I think richer women are more likely to be depressed, because the number of men who have more money as them + find them attractive are less than if they were still poor. She already doesn't have that "fun" attitude in her eyes. Almost looks sad.
Nolan Morales
You seem personally offended by the very concept of crypto.
What did you buy the top of, and how much did you lose?
Daniel Mitchell
>Hello Fellow 20 and 30 year olds! Please buy a house and take a huge mortgage loan and then re-finance that loan stay in debt forever everybody will be jealous and you will get laid
fuck off kike
Jack Hughes
it is the best reply to people complaining about these threads
this board has dozens of repetitive memecoin shill threads.
cognitive dissonance
also, you have low-IQ for being unable to put this together yourself.
Thomas Wright
Would rather travel to SEA and fuck 100 broads for free than wait for one to "respect" me for the $150k cuckshed that the bank loaned me.
Xavier Davis
you're either in debt to a landlord or in debt to a bank
you'd understand this if you weren't some prepubescent incel living with mama and dada
Isaac Stewart
You didn't answer my question, faggot. How much did you lose?
Levi Ramirez
I'm not a retarded child dilly-dallying with fucking memecoin ponzi schemes, I invest my money into companies that actually have a tanglible product
>a landlord will rent out a home for less than its mortgage hahahahhahahhaha why are rentcucks so absolutely retarded.I should start making a montage of these absolutely braindead posts
Ryder Clark
>She already doesn't have that "fun" attitude in her eyes. Almost looks sad. was wondering what was different. good description
Carson Price
>look at homes >est. ~$1~1.2k/mo >ok cool I could afford that >btw here's all these extra taxes and fees for being a house >suddenly $1.4~1.6k/mo Yeah okay.. I'll stick with my $735 rent and invest the rest.
Kevin Morgan
living your life in hopes to "dab" on other people. You've already lost.
what state do you live in its a dog eat dog world. I'd bet money you have low T
Bentley Roberts
assuming meaningless things about random people on the internet. What's the point?
John Rogers
>tfw only child >mom is jewpilled >allowed to live at home rent free bc sending me out would be stupid >paid off house is mine when parents die >never have to work a day in my life if I don't want to
Lol at 160,000 crap house at 3% interest assuming you even get approved for traditional financing at prime rates is an extra $120,000 for 25 years more if you do 30 year term congradulations you just spent 280,000 on a small house and this doesnt factor in property taxes repairs or the fact you most likely wont get approved for 3% first time homeowner. Most likely you wil get finances at 4-5% do the math on that plus property taxes then come back and tell me your roi
Jaxon Long
getting desperate I see >"how's that Edgar, ' the ULTIMATE WAY TO, as they say it, DAYB on fellow 20/30 year olds! isn't that hip, hit the send button....mmmm which one of these are traffic lights.....mmmmmmmm..... there's one! select more?.... wait lemme see lemme seeeeee... there is another... and send! This might work, they call this virus marketing"
Jordan Ramirez
Benjamin Watson
Fuck getting a mortgage. A fucking ball and chain to your leg for 15-30 years. Just rent with roommates and put what you save in crypto . Once you make it then invest in property if you feel like.
Brandon Mitchell
ahhhhh yes lock yourself to one area for jobs @ 24 lol
Isaac Scott
>comes into my thread >"youve already lost" >gets dickhead reply >"why r u being mean?" pftthahahahahaha you have to be either a chick or a gay dude (low-T)
Zachary Rodriguez
is like coldwell banker trying to sell me a fucking condo on Zig Forums lol what is with these threads lol
hope it means i can get a cheap house in the next 5 years
Oliver Thompson
dude a studio and a bathroom cost a mill in my city
Ryan Edwards
Definitely. Live in one place forever, hang out with the same people forever, go to the same places forever. That's truly making it.