Daily reminder that buying a house IS renting. Youre just renting from the bank instead of a landlord

Daily reminder that buying a house IS renting. Youre just renting from the bank instead of a landlord.

Youre literally renting money and they can margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.

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and even if you have it paid off you're just renting it from the government and if you can't pay property tax they take it

Even if you get land you're still renting.

Buying a house is for idiots. The government can confiscate it at any time. Much better to invest in crypto and rent

the best move is to buy the house cash for 10% of your net worth

Yeah but the debt is fixed and the asset can go down. So you can end up hundreds of thousands of dollars down by mortgage vs rent

>margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.

Yeaahh, what do you expect them to do just say sure fine just keep the house, don't pay us? Lol.
If you can't afford to pay for housing the bank will foreclose and kick you out (but you get your equity back). Same scenario as with renting, you're kicked out.

You make payments to the bank, true, but if you're not a bum you're essentially paying yourself every month and in 30 years you have a whole lot of something rather than a whole lot of nothing.

> they can margin call you whenever you decide you dont want to work for 30 years.
You do plan on paying your house off, right user?

user lives with his mom.

yep, except when my house is paid off my "rent" is $300/month [utilities included :^) ] opposed to $1,500 (median rent in America)

Also, if I lose my job I can cash-out re-finance and pay my mortgage for years to come whereas you rentcucks will literally be forcefully evicted after 30 days past due LOL

>after 30 years of renting from the bank, I now rent from the government (tax) for significantly less

>after 30 years of renting from a landlord I am still renting from that landlord for the same rate.

It's a no-brainer.

Stop posting. Get rested up for work. gotta pay that mortgage.

I have a normal adult job, you know, the ones with weekends off :^)

Wow so many seething rentfags. Fuck I’m glad I’m not poor

either way you're a slave.

>save down payment
>invest it into something

>have way more than you could ever make being boggled down on a huge house you couldnt afford

holy jesus people actually think buying a house is a bad idea.

>protects against inflation
>youre not paying someone elses mortgage or lining someone elses pocket which is ((cuck))
>at the end of the mortgage term you have an asset which has appreciated in value
>if you have a real job, you also have investments in roth IRA, crypto/stocks

tfw my mortgage payment is less than what i was paying to rent a much worse house

idiots. you spend the same amount of money or more renting or paying a mortgage


>buy $200,000 house
>FHA loan, 3.5% down ($7,000)
>rentcuck invests $7,000 @ average 7% annual ROI
>after 30 years has $53,000
>MortgageChad™ has $485,000 in equity (house appreciates @ average rate of 3% a year)

pftthahahahahaha yeah, great job you dumbass rentcuck

also, my monthly mortgage will be ~500/month for EVERYTHING in 30 years whereas in 30 years youll probably be paying close to $3,000/month hahahahhahahahahahaha

Why don't you just inherit?

This I own 2 houses, 1 is rented out and pays for it self. Some other fuck is paying the mortgage and taxes.

This. It's like Boomers never heard of Section 8.

>just wageslave for 30 years and then pay thousands of dollars every year after or government thugs will evict you at gunpoint

>house is an asset
>lives in it but doesn’t rent it

Liability you mean fren


That bank will be the ones holding the bag when the market drops.

>holding the bag

>they already got your 40k downpayment that you traded for a wooden log shaft with gypsum paint

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Rent vs Mortgage.

I have a mortgage and are better off than 90% of my friends and family. The best move is to...

Move in with parents/roomate.


Because money that would of gone to Jews could go towards stocks/crypto. Which should make you more rich.

Selling my house and moving back in
Still making 20k profit from real estate. Going towards investments.

(and that's a good thing)

no seriously. banks allowed up to grow at an exponential rate economically

could you imagine having to pay for start-ups upfront in cash? we'd still be living in the fucking stone age. our cities would be 1800s style and run by a single Chad Baron

no you retard without loans the price of houses and cars and college would go down to where people could afford them

everything would go down because nobody would be able to buy them with no loans and only what people could afford would become the new price