Literally what is the issue with most people on this website?

Literally what is the issue with most people on this website?

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Other urls found in this thread:

God it stinks. Dried up menstrual blood, jogger cum, and a legacy of wiping back to front did a number on it.

No, wrong. It's this one:

Holy shit, Phoenix Marie is jacked.

Interesting... I completely lost interest in having friends/gf when I entered HS, my only real gf I had was in middle school similar to pic related. Played sports my whole life but hated them - only reason I made friends though because I never sought out friends, but if people approached me I would give them a chance.

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The disorder is controversial, because it can overlap completely with "autist who suffered a lot of psychological trauma and is now aloof & socially discouraged"

no validation from peers

The only valid disorder is the vax pumped stupidity which lacks philosophical understanding of anything and thus is split between scientific and religious flavors of the same epistemological and hermeneutical metaphysical dogma. Contemporary men are intellectually nill and the growing thinnest few laudable exceptions may be insufficient to extend the species lifespan beyond this very century.

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They aren't white.

Nah i'm just super introverted, like Elon Musk if you know what I mean(INTJ,- I think there is some validity to personality types). I played Football, was friends with alot of kids on the team(also one of the top/strongest players), and in good shape so making friends/talking to girls at school was easy, I just didn't seek/care for it. I only dated the girl because my friend told me that she liked me(and she was a qt) - I unironically didn't even know she existed until he pointed her out in our Spanish class(was scared af to even talk to her, frens encouraged me tho). I was just getting back in shape and planning to ask out this girl in one of my Engineering classes then corona happened. FML.

sorry for the blogpost lads, I will off myself now.

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Realized they're too broken to fit in with normal society and need magical internet coins to make them rich because they'll never achieve financial independence the normal route

not enough pussy

Nope. Jews are the problem

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Do it if it makes you happy fren :(

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This but literally and unironically

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70% autismos
20% schizoids
8% sociopaths
2% christcucks

That's a large fleshlight.

For you

man phoenix looks so JUSTed

(((normal society)))

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>Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows
>Sexual activity among young American men has declined sharply since 2000, with nearly a third reporting no sex with a partner in the prior year, according to a survey study published on Friday that suggests social media and electronic gaming might be filling the void.
>The trend is concerning as sexual relationships are important for well-being and health, researchers note.
>Sexual activity was largely unchanged among unmarried women, along with no notable decline among gay men, researchers reported.

You met that wierdo nerd at the class who had very hostile behaviour? He continued to learn social skills from toxic environment like online pvp games and image boards until he could not fit anymore to the society. He didn't get the right nutrition and abused sugar because kikes played him. He doesn't understand this process and is bitter now. On top of that on the process of doing that he figured that world is not as they tell everywhere. I'm not saying he figured how the world really works but that's what's wrong.

Big dick syndrome

More ass than I’ve ever sniffed in my life

They are our great misfortune.

>tfw you cant take a shit in a public toilet because flacid benis:DDD goes in the water
at home i just put it in a cup desu senpai

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the widows kiss

the world will never appreciate our struggle :'(


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Are you a dogo?

Water is fucking wet, thanks for the groundbreaking study