The crappy remains of britains completely wrecked economic prospects will be utterly destroyed in 3 months when the...

the crappy remains of britains completely wrecked economic prospects will be utterly destroyed in 3 months when the second wave of covid19 hits and causes another mass shutdown of all economic activity in the UK. compounded with the isolating effects of brexit which i wholeheartedly supported and campaigned for because I knew it would completely destroy the loathsome and putrid so-called country of britain which disgusted me so much, will cause the macro economy to completely grind to a halt. everything british from its companies shares, its real estate, and its currency will become worthless as investors head for the exits like rats from a burning ship. the people of britain will be left scrabbling around in the dirt looking for food and shelter while their material wealth completely evaporated.

The U. K. government can only fund itself if yields on gilts are miniscule. If yields went to even 5%, they'd have to cut something as large as the NHS, or pensions. But if they went to 20%, which, at this point, is the bare minimum which free-market price-discovery would make them, the whole system would collapse. No schools. No hospitals. No pensions. Nothing. Everything would come tumbling down. This is because the amount of debt they have is simply enormous. They only keep yields low by money-printing, so the state of affairs is temporary--it can go on for a few more years at best. Either they pull the plug now, and the whole country falls into oblivion, or they keep inflating the currency for a few more years to suppress yields until the pound is destroyed-and then the whole system collapses. expect the second, far worse hyperinflationary collapse. when there's anarchy and mayhem in the streets, you won't even be able to own a gun to protect yourself.

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>second wave
Whoa, congrats guys. No idea you could even end the first one.

t. US

you were trying to make Africa into Britain for centuries and failed, now Britain is successfully begin made into Africa in just a couple of years


sell the pound. sell all shares in british companies. do not buy british real estate. actively bully all british people. this is to make the world a better place. it is your duty to wreck britain


accurate assessment


based level 9000

Leading economists are saying the same. Your investments are more safe in undeveloped countries than developed-degrading ones. That's how corrupt the financial system has become.

UK youngfag here. Long Gold & silver mining with private pension and all in crypto with everything else. The next ten years are going to be entertaining and comfy.

tfw three houses in bong. Am I fucked?

housing is the last thing to crash. when the richfags have exhausted everything they will begin to sell their houses. probably 2-3 years delay, judging by the asian crisis example

you'll probably be stabbed to ribbons in the street by a mugger and have to sell everything to pay for reconstructive surgery. just existing in bongland is a risk. fuck england

Turning Africa into Britain is good for native Africans
Turning Britain into Africa is bad for the entire world

britbong here, unironically saw this shit coming over 10 years ago, moved to Germany in 2009 with no regrets. east eu shitholes will have a higher standard of living than what will be left of the UK, it's sad, really sad

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But at least we have diversity.

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why? britain and british people are a waste of space. the world would be better off without britain and british people

Are you a Pajeet?

haha no. im actually white british.

I hate self-hating whites, your white guilt is pathetic. Have some self respect your disgusting loser.

why do you think "britain" has anything to do with "white people"? its a jewish slave colony run by barely human racially indistinct inbreds.

"Racially indistinct" from whom?

from the other races.

fuck of to pol inbred chav scum

10/10 post

why won't the government and the police stop the looters ruining our cities and statues to great heroes of history?

Good thing I live in the chad part of the UK. Soon to be an independent state, watching its abusive, conniving “partner” tear itself to pieces whilst we enjoy all the fresh water, renewables and oil.

nobody cares about it. the important thing is to keep on smashing britain. smash smash smash. the whole thing is rotten from root to branch. it must be toppled like a rotten old tree. then buried and forgotten like the pile of shit it always was.

sc*tland is inextricably bound to the rest of the piece of shit that is br*tain. same currency, same language, same head of state, same culture, same same same. you will share the fate of the rest of br*tain.


how can i join this movement?


How do we short?

We should transfer all power back to the Queen and we can live in a medieval feudal society again. Living in mud huts and half your family dying from the common cold.

dont short. as we all know, shorting will just get stop hunted. just inspect your portfolio for any exposure to britain and eliminate that investment completely. the only winning move is to pretend that britain is already dead.

Nah, I don't want to be ruled by a Protestant (but really Satanic pedophile) German family

no. the queen must be completely destroyed. the monarchy is a piece of dog shit. brits can live in mud huts without any help.

the queen should be raped to death.