I stole the whitepaper for my cousins coin

hey faggots
my cousin has been a dev on a new token project for like 2 years now. He couldn't tell me much because of the NDA, so I checked his email through his computer while he was at work earlier today. I have everything... I have the whitepaper, I have the ico announcement date and a list of participating exchanges, I have the fucking contract address, I mean EVERYTHING bros.
So the question is, should I fuck my cousin over and snipe the uniswap liquidity they're putting up this weekend before the ICO monday? Can I go to jail if he figures out it was me?

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uhh yeah?

this is lemoe levels of betrayal holy shit, don't do it user

I guess to add a bit of context, we're roommates, I didn't break into his house or anything lmao

wtf is that

also I am morally depleted at this point fren, I don't care about how bad of a thing this is, I only care about going to prison.

Just give us the name of the token, please

I'm here for advice not to shill fuk off scammer this is my honey pot.

is there a discord channel user

You know, my advice is to not be a stealing scumbag, but as you already are one, why not share the name?

I agree with this user.
This is the opposite of based.
This is a Joo move.
This is levels of betrayal we've never witnessed before.

Kek not based at all and he can definitely prove his project is older than yours.

idk I didn't check for discord desu.

The name of the token will be STRP.
The concept is a decentralized platform for Adult Entertainment. Basically from what I can gather, they're going to be a decentralized onlyfans and chaturbate, their draw is that the girls keep all of the tips they receive(apparently most of these platforms take a huge cut idk) and the company makes money by taking a % of each coin transaction, giving half to the stakers and half to the dev team. all of the tips and purchases on the site are done with the token(this part was weird af tho, as a user you connect your metamask and you deposit tokens, then when you tip what you're actually doing is sending a fake token that is local to the site to the girls and then when you withdraw your tokens back to metamask they keep the amount you spent in fake tokens? I guess this is so they girls can use those vibrators that work when you tip... I mean that would be dumb if you had to wait 3 min for confirmations)
There were also a ton of whore in the emails, I guess their pornstars or whatever that are going to shill for them and use their site. I checked a few and they all had over 100k followers. That's most of what I know man, I'm probably not gonna spill the exact time of the uniswap offering or when they deploy the contract so gl and don't sleep i guess lmao

what do you mean, I'm talking about buying the coin when they test the liquidity lmaaaooo they plan to put it in the pool, test sell to the contract, and then test buy, when they test sell it will cause the price to CRASH to almost nothing and i'm going to buy all of the tokens LOL
>pic related tfw I steal 10% of their coins for >1 ETH

sorry forgot the pic

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They’d probably just deploy another token contract.

you're right, fuck how do I profit from this?

OP it's Jewish but you're meant to share it with us so we can all snipe it cheap. Same thing happened with XYS lol, they'll recover because they want let all of their bags go. They'll only use a test amount they can "oh well" write off anyway.

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fuck it, coin drops tomorrow at noon, do whatever you want with that anons. I might make another post with the address once they deploy it.
You're right man why am I being so greedy fuck I've really lost my way...

Contract code?

Also noon what timezone?


>Contract code?
tf you mean a link to the file?

thanks for the heads up OP

so how do we plan to FUD this? anyone made a discord so we can prepare?

The contract address to find it on uniswap ya banana head.

This probably

I think I was clear that the contract hasn't been deployed yet

lol I don't think he was even working in crypto 2 years ago XD

Thats fair, it's late lol, but for real though Noon, in what timezone?


>crypto for whores
oh wow it's nothing

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wow. i am tired lol

I'm pretty sure they creator was like "how do I profit from this" but desu I think it's good, on chaturbate you already have to buy tokens to tip the girls.

Question, are you Jewish?