Is biz one of the worst boards on 4channel?
Is biz one of the worst boards on 4channel?
have you been to other the boards on this shithole? at least this place has something resembling a board culture
delete this thread
Nice id fag
Zig Forums is full of religious retards. However, Zig Forums uselefulness is notorious these days.
I meant uselessness
Zig Forums is a Christian forum. Atheists or nonbelievers are not welcome here. Repent.
biz is a cult of incel neets that worship a big mac eating, flannel wearing scam artist
Is this what they call revisionism? Go back
no thats v or fit
its the best board
Amazing how Spotify datas are the best way to model the dark side of people.
It is the board with biggest dose of emotion and reality punching you in the face. We routinely have threads proclaiming someone is committing suicide because of their shitty decision making
You actually believe that? Kek
To this day I used to hate crypto cucks but now I realized they do a good job to camouflage the real gems that hide in the bowels of this board.
Everything serves a purpose on Zig Forums that's how efficient is the board.
Just because of that I am buying shit coin tonight
Red pill me on this brother and how do we profit from it?
you say that as you post a fucking wojack and avatarfag at the same time
i'd say biz is one of the best honestly despite all the shitcoin threads.
Zig Forums is pretty much the only board i have to actively avoid because, while i certainly subscribe to their views on race, if i spend too much time there i literally want to kill myself because of how hopeless and disgusting the world is.
not the best.
Yes it is, i actually go to /x/ for financial advice
And you still keep coming back
>the only board that resembles a board culture
>worst board
Yesterday i checked /qa/, imagine a bunch of trannies hunting for "muh Zig Forums boogieman" larping as oldfags.
define what's the worst?!
for shitposting, Zig Forums is one of the best boards for bantz. where for off-topic discussions, Zig Forums is actually pretty decent at such other non-board related topics. You may got better advice on cars, dating, fitness, education, games, family-planning here than other boards that are actually intended for. In fact, I thought that most boards are designated as containment boards for those topics since normalfags would be baited to stay on-topic, smart anons could aware on the shitty situation.
>so Zig Forums is worst for business & finance discussion. just like Zig Forums is worst for political discussions, or Zig Forums for video games discussions.
for actual business & finance topics, Zig Forums is notorious for the amount of information & misinformation ratio where the only thing that could save yourself is your own intuition,knowledge to decide which is right/wrong.
>lots of scammers, you might be the scammed or the scammer one. or perhaps you are the third person that could prevent others from getting scammed OR you could be devilish helping the scammer instead. which one is you, you decide.
>lots of shitposters that knew that this place is beyond salvation & only useful for general lulz, trollbait. Pretty much your internet pub/lounge to discuss many other things.
>certain generals are pretty decent.
"honorable" mentions for Zig Forums as the biggest feels board. Nothing compares the emotional surge from winning/losing money. where the humans' true personality could be read from how they're related to their money, where you could easily read your opponent's personality when you gamble with him & look over his eye of desire and greed.
there are worse
Zig Forums is the best
mu, r9k, int, and bant are way worse
biz is comfy and useful as long as you know the scams and stay away
What do you listen to?
Based. Pol is absolute dogshit compared to biz
This but unironically
To be honest , we have some sort of cultivation among us. Despite of these Wojak posts from time to time 90% here are larping faggots.
If i have to relate /biz to real world i would say that biz is huge broker Office with tons of dealers trying to get best profit out his expertise.
You hear insulting , you hear crying and you hear capitalist heavy laughtery but at the end we stick together in our goal to make money.
Have you ever been to /b or /pol?
Pol is pretty much full of leftist niggerdick loving scum meanwhile /b is full of ruthless soulless porn addicted cp watching uncultivated hilbilly faggots i ever saw.
For me in real life /b is the wild west (or fking other outlaw area in the world)
And pol is basically california.
May we stay forever on this board and help us each other with knowledge and ignore these Pajeet threads
G'day to you sirs
/asp/ is easily the worst board
>Bump the most worthless tokens to 300 replies
>Legit ones: "BOOOO SCAMMER"
what did he mean by this