So I have schizophrenia, it's pretty bad, used to be worse but it's still pretty off...

So I have schizophrenia, it's pretty bad, used to be worse but it's still pretty off. So I watched some Anton Kreil videos and downloaded torrents of his courses. Now I have this being around me who appears as Anton Kreil (there's actually a couple of them now, the beings love larping). He's actually made a couple of deadly accurate predictions, and now he's saying that we've reached the top of the recovery which will be W shaped, not V shaped.

Do I start opening shorts?

Attached: can't_hold_on_much_longer.webm (398x700, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

You might want to document his predictions then check them against the actual outcomes a few times. Maybe after 20 good calls it becomes statistically significant and you're actually a trading genius? However, most trading calls aren't black/white, so you need good stop losses etc. Make sure you are proficient in trading basics.

Anton Kreil is a very sad and cringe person, i watched a few of his videos and he uses the same technique as others: he shovel shit on everyone to appear the smartest guy in the room.
Problem is that he does this too much, if you watch an entire tutorial of him you just stop trading, not only because he makes look trading hard (which is legit), but because he makes it seem boring and sad.
He must have been bullied very hard when he was a prop trader.

I can imagine that now he recycled himself as an analist, and first rule of a respected analist is to say that everything is shit and everything will crash. Everyone says you're an ass if you say that something will grow and it doesn't, but usually no one checks if a bearish estimate is wrong.

>his predictions
Its predictions

Don't be such a downer, anton kreil offers valuable advice and his institute of trading has tons of great traders giving great trading insights.
Just make sure you study hard and don't look for an easy out.

Yes, he said that.
Look, i watched a lot of videos and what he does is 95% turn you down with absolute bullshit, and probably 5% useful info.
The same useful info you can find anywhere else, for free.

>Just make sure you study hard and don't look for an easy out.
Well you see that can be hard through the voices, so you wonder... what if the voices would just tell me what to do. They told me bitcoin would recover to over 7.7k after the crash to under 4k, which I did not believe at the time.

Exactly what i said.
>shovel shit on everything to appear the smartest guy in the room
>No one checks if you make bearish estimates and they reveal false.

do not listen to these trading gurus... the market and the price chart are your only teachers. get into trading and don't listen to anyone else because they just want to take your money...

Attached: 1592036552480.jpg (1584x910, 321.35K)

He says in one of his videos... "Our ratio of profitable trades to unprofitable trades is closer to 50% than you might think, but it doesn't just matter how often you win, it matters how much you win", ie he protects against losses with hedging, but when he wins he can win big.

>he thinks a successful trader needs money selling course and classes.
setting all that up takes so much time and effort, no one would do it unless they needed the money.

How did gravity do this? What kind of wizardry is this?

Attached: 1588015036245.png (600x600, 225.48K)

Are you a profitable trader ?

Yes, i am, and not thanks to kreil videos.

>Its predictions
Your predictions

why didn't he just let the bike go and climb up?

do you daytrade ? could you give a little guidance? im here holding link and eth and want to increase my stack but i feel that swingers get the rope kek

>daytrade shitcoins
no, with those i just trade on larger timeframes, like days/weeks
Now i'm trading stocks mostly, daytrading there is not worth since the biggest movements happen at market closed, resulting with gaps at the opening.

Innercicle and simpleton channels are good for learning.

The information has to go into your brain somehow

not how schizos work. if the market keeps going up he'll remember kreil telling him it's gonna do so. if someone links him this thread in the archives he'll never open it. the only reason he's even recalling his kreil predicting it'd go down it is going down right now.

don't schizo trade. live in your own mind until your "beings" go away. you tried running away form yourself because the brain you were given is too complex for you in some aspects. stop it, man up, face all the painful thoughts, yell/cry/selfharm from the pain by forcing uncomfortable thoughts in your head, then once you've deseniztized yourself to them your beings will no longer appear and will be intuitions instead. THOSE you can trust. but only once you're mind is clear and you're not afraid of facing anything.

what do you think to trade in week/months with crossing emas and all of that? seems logical and i dont have too much time to dedicate to look at charts

the "beings" are you. everything they say and do are your thoughts and there is a reason you have them. this doesn't mean you're a bad person. just accept and face all your thoughts and past actions. don't accept them as right, but accept them as "you", or at least a pas "you". it won't be easy, it'll be worse than hell, but it's the only way you'll ever progress. it's the only way you can change for the better.


>live in your own mind until your "beings" go away. you tried running away form yourself because the brain you were given is too complex for you in some aspects. stop it, man up, face all the painful thoughts, yell/cry/selfharm from the pain by forcing uncomfortable thoughts in your head, then once you've deseniztized yourself to them your beings will no longer appear and will be intuitions instead.
>the "beings" are you. everything they say and do are your thoughts and there is a reason you have them. this doesn't mean you're a bad person. just accept and face all your thoughts and past actions. don't accept them as right, but accept them as "you", or at least a pas "you". it won't be easy, it'll be worse than hell, but it's the only way you'll ever progress.
You'll communicate with them yourself in a future incarnation

no user. there's only one you. perceiving it different is a coping mechanism for being unable to deal with something inside you.

Knew it was fake. Who the fuck would hold onto their bike in a situation like that? Just drop it

Crossing emas are not enough, i fear.
They can be used as a good indicator for clear bullish/bearish phases for example, but they're almost useless during ranging phases

You are jealous, you have real friends. I have psychic imaginary ones. You can not compete.

It sounds like you're at least open to the fact that this stuff is a part of you. You're the one making the decisions. Remember, this is all coming from inside your brain, not outside. Your brain works a little differently than most people. But it's YOUR brain.

who are you