I held so many shitcoins in 2018. Hundreds of thousands gone. I have a measly 40k now. I could have had 400k. Even if I sold a few alt scams like DBC, FUN or BTCP/ZCL I could have made over 100k just from those 4, but I held and they went to zero. THat's not including the hesitation on buying Chainlink because I want3ed to have more money and invest a ton in it and only bought a 4k suicide stack at the time.
Helium mask, but send me your coins before you do :)
Kayden Brown
I just remembered I also bought a bunch of XRP at 10 cents and didn't sell at 3 dollars What kind? I'm pretty sure the paty city birthday tanks don't release enough to kill you properly.
Hudson Russell
First rule of fucking trading: you trade, you make choices, then you forget about that trade, forever. Past trades are just useful to modify your strategy by learning from your mistakes.
Jayden Bailey
yeah but i'm about to be homeless. i'm thinking of selling everything into fiat since when the market crashes again crypto is going with it.
you are right though, thank you for the advice. it's just so hard to "forget" and not feel the regret.
Owen James
Ok, market is not going to crash again, and honestly crypto is about to pump.
You have two choices: >You stop fucking gambling and you actually learn how to invest / trade >You stop fucking gambling and you actually stop selling / buying shitcoins, you just leave them alone and wait 2 years, i suggest you to fucking buy just Bitcoin, since it's the more obvious and certain moon shot In both cases, just stop gambling.
Benjamin Barnes
Here's what i suggest too: if bitcoin dominance stays above 60% you keep 60% or more in bitcoin if bitcoin dominance goes below 60% you keep 40-50% in bitcoin and put the rest in serious shitcoins, pick in the top 10, you can try to put a little amount in the top 20, don't go in uniswap shitcoins and similar, please.
just learn for this cycle. the shittiest shit coins pump hard, dump and never recover. take notice of the market right now. every cycle is the same. you need to be in those coins that survive cycles and come out stronger / better. there are a few. But none of the ones you named were good assets. Yes, tthe shitcoins are the most speculative, but at the end of each alt coin / bit coin cycle, smart money moves back in proven and time tested assets.