BNB is an absolute guaranteed moonshot

BNB is an absolute guaranteed moonshot.

Attached: bnb.png (1024x1024, 37.66K)

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cross armed chink scam shitcoin

yea, i'm heavily in this shitcoin


do i need to explain?

well if you wanna shill then u might as well explain

i'm not a shill, i don't care about others opinions actually

u said its a guaranteed moonshot, nice try shill

I'm not the op, retard



That is all.

BTW My team is launching a token on uniswap and many other exchanges in a week. Join here:

https //discord gg/ 2g 2F tWM

Coof coof

Coof coof

lol I literally work at Binance and I'm dumping all my BNB.
By midweek I will be at 0 BNB for the first time since 2017

it's literally in the top 10 how tf is it a moonshot
you're right about it being a great coin tho
it's one of my main holds along with ETH, LINK, NANO, and XMR

Give me one valid good reason to hold BNB other than "I will sell it for more money later".

What is a BNB coin specific reason to hold it?

"muh trading fee discount" - cool so you maybe need

>XCM is an absolute guaranteed moonshot.

yes you hold bnb to sell it for more later
your question should be why it will reach that higher price later
the answer to that is because cz knows how to market his exchange
there's a reason why binance is the number one exchange
cz is a great marketer, as to whether or not his a super genius marketer, it doesn't matter
he's saying the right things, lies or hopium or truth, at the right time, be it a bull or bear or crab market
he's doing great progress with binance if you've been tracking the progress
just by typing this i've confirmed you're either larping when you say work for binance, or you fail to see that binance will most likely be always the top exchange indefinitely
you're investing in crypto because you assume the crypto market will rise
when it does then the coin of the biggest exchange will inevitably rise as well
the coin itself will not even need to have great utility; its "small" benefits will just be a bonus and more importantly, a justification to purchase it when you're really purchasing the biggest exchange's "share"

>my dad works for BTC
nice larp, now kys

lol, I literally work at Binance and know CZ personally.
Your arguments are all non-sequiturs.

There is no correlation between the exchange volume and BNB price.
The volumes now are higher than when it hit the peak of just under $40, given the futures volumes we now process.

The big boon for the BNB price had been the Launchpad, as holding BNB gave you launchpad eligibility, but there have been NO launchpad projects recently, and there are none coming soon.
Even then, the most recent launchpad projects were fucking duds.

You saw the Wazirx launchpad, thats the future.
Acquire a company for stock (no cash) then push them to launchpad. token and launchpad it, dumping on retail and recouping millions of dollars.
Expect all future Launchpads to be binance acquisition companies.
Own tokens = not running on BNB = no benefit for BNB holders.
Sorry BNB bag holders, but Wazirx tokens, buy Trust Wallet tokens, Buy {next acquisition company} tokens.

The token burn has been more or less rendered impotent as the burn comes from the initial team allocation tokens, which are not in circulation and never will be (so its burning a pile of tokens that were never in circulation)

Instead what we see now is the further balkanization of the company in splitting into multiple smaller companies under the binance umbrella.
For starters there are all the local exchanges binance,us the bullshit Indonesia deal with (doesn't require BNB for fees).
In the next month you will bee launch, and then by mid July the Binance visa card (which I have to say will be a fucking failure).



I'm literally CZ, and you're a dumbass

No, you're seriously comparing a dumping $0.12 pajeet shitcoin to BNB.
I mean, seriously, there's literally no chance that you aren't a fucking shitskin and you poo'd in the loo 20 minutes ago.
Fucking kill yourself, sincerely


Binance are post peak at this point and are just milking users.

Look at the leveraged tokens bullshit, then the FTX tokens were pulled and Binance own branded leverage tokens were listed (for full ownership of all the fees).
Binance options are just a huge cash grab, as anyone that actually trades options. You cant sell options, only buy from Binance at a price set by the exchange.

The pressure is coming in harder now from China, if you see from state media in China this week - which is almost certainly going to lead to more of a crackdown in china which will mean losing that entire market.

The idea that BNB is a "share" in Binance is a pure meme, not found in reality at all.

$400m out the door for - what do you suppose the upside for BNB holders is going to be from that acquisition?
Protip: checkout traffic metrics on Similarweb - not going well is it?

The main utility of BNB really is using it to pay the ~1500 employees of the company, who then dump it on the exchange for BTC or USDT - on retail moonboys like yourselves.

There's no real need to argue with a shitskin who seriously claimed that a 12 cent mumbai shitcoin (launched on binance) is better than bnb.

its all good but why would the binance visa card be a failure?

Cope and seethe harder.

I never said its "better" than BNB.
Far from it.

Try reading the post again.

By the way, just to piss on your useless fud:
No one knows how the entire crypto market is going to evolve in the next 2 months, in the next years, and FOR SURE you don't, fucking subhuman pakistan loo shitter.

What we know for sure, is that no matter how the crypto market will evolve, Binance will be there.
They're steps ahead to every single shitcoin now in the market, and they're constantly innovating their exchange and launching new things.
Of course bnb will be there too.

Why would it be a success?
Visa already lost their shit and made us pull the name and logo from it, kek offer a card with ~5% cashback already in al of Europe, most of the US, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Coinbase already have a card in the UK, which is fully regulated and licensed, and is basically a fucking failure.

damn you're right
the coin they've been dumping on me for years now have made me literally more than 2000%
and who tf cares if it turns out to be a meme
fucking dogecoin is in the top 30
and no, bnb as a "share" can never be a pure meme as you claim
when bull runs happen and they learn about the biggest exchange, new money will buy its share, it won't matter to them if it has actual utility or not

>Give me one valid good reason to hold BNB other than "I will sell it for more money later".
Give me one valid good reason to hold *any shitcoin, incuding BTC* other than "i will sell it for more money later".

>they're constantly innovating their exchange and launching new things.

Lol. "innovating"

Like we innovated the mining pool we launched (copied from Huobi)
Or the Quarterly delivered futures (launched yesterday) - Copied from Bitmex, and Okex, and Huobi.
Or the Card product (copied from and Coinbase)
Or Binance Cloud (Copied from Huobi)

Aside from that we just acquire companies, really in a shitty way too.

What the fuck has Binance "innovated" recently?

i mean you seem like a reasonably smart guy, but there is plenty of reasons why binance card would be more successful, coinbase reports everything to tax offices and you need to hold that monaco shit token.

If binance has any tiers on the card relating to ownership of bnb it could do really well

Holding and staking MCO gives you extra % cashback on the card, and an additional 2% interest on the earn product.
Holding CRO gives you greater allocation to the Syndiacte programs for discounted coins.

If both tokens held parity value from the day you bought them, you'd still be in profit.

BNB had the same utility with the "hold BNB to get launchpad tickets" but 1. it was gamed by people splitting their holdings over multiple accs to fuck over genuine retail holders, and 2 theres not been a launchpad product in months.

coinbase tax reporting was known for a week or so, the card has been a failure for months. you can have the card with zero MCO staked.

it wont.

fuck me i bought 300 bnb a few days ago, you convinced me ill sell. First reasonable poster on biz this year

Huobi and the other exchanges copied the exchange token from bnb, so what?
Launchpad was invented by bnb
Why not very much use now? Because i don't know if you noticed, but we (all the shitcoins including BTC) are coming out from a 10+ months bear market.
As long as they keep improving and acquire companies (in "a shitty way", wow, that's some seething) all is good.

Not to mention the effort that binance is having to keep the entire crypto shitshow running.
I bet that they avoided BTC to crash at least a couple of times recently.

inb4 helpdesk monkey with no inside information or the like.