How many connections do you need on this website to get job offers? I have 35 right now ànd haven't gotten any...

How many connections do you need on this website to get job offers? I have 35 right now ànd haven't gotten any, but I've had the account 4 days only. I have a master's in sport management and bachelor's In leisure sport and tourism. Hope I can find a job that pays over 15 an hour or I won't be able to move out of my parents house and pay for an apartment

Attached: linkedin_1587065153-900x561.png (900x561, 35.15K)

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why have you reposted this thread nerd? get bent and get out of here and to r/personalfinance


First time here.

Same brother. It's kinda hard finding a job these days.

You have to have like one of the most impressive profiles on the entire site to actively have job offers sent out to you on LinkedIn. Use their feature to actively look for and apply to jobs, and use other sites to apply to jobs like Indeed. I got 2 jobs through Indeed, it's pretty good.

the number of connections you have is pretty low down on the list of reasons you won't get offers...

are you applying? do you have experience? does your network include the people hiring?

Get out of here lying scum.

I have nearly 500. Having more connections helps get your profile noticed and boosts you in the search rankings. I just a added a bunch of random people (look up LION groups). I also added a bunch of people from school/college that I sort of knew, but never interacted with them. I'd have less than 50 connections otherwise.

I've gotten probably 3 interviews from being contacted on LinkedIn, but no offers. So it hasn't been very useful. I have no experience, though. Might be better once you have experience.

I fucking hate LinkedIn and only reluctantly made a profile. Every second post in my feed is BLM/racism shit at the moment.

I am getting most of the offers just by keyword stuffing und the skills section and having a nice looking profile.

Additionally connect with headhunters of your profession.

Of course I use the job search function on LinkedIn (and Indeed), which is good. But I was just referring to getting randomly contacted by companies/recruiters.

Not my threads.

By network you mean my connections? Because no, they are just people ive known throughout the years

small network

how do u find headhunters in your industry?

OP here, i might just need to find a different job, maybe in finance or a bank


I deleted my LinkedIn last week when they started sucking of the NiggerFaggotsMatter faggots. That was the only social media account I had.

Attached: 1591519374201.jpg (642x1024, 93.75K)

Haven't found a job through LinkedIn.

Usually get hit up by recruiters, but they're usually pissed I'm employed and not literally jerking them off for $15 an hour to be their code monkey.

Fuck recruiters. Fuck LinkedIn.

How am i gonna make it man? This is all so depressing

Indeed is better for active job searching.
make a decent profile
post a good resume
get job offers

As a software developer recruiters will message you weekly. Probably not a market for meme degrees like leisure sports and tourism lol.

Imagine indenting yourself for useless degrees that won’t get you employed.

Yeah I know its a shit degree but i got it super cheap and im in no debt


Sorry , I’m phoneposting

We all make mistakes user. But you need to at least have an idea of what type of job you want to do. Have you thought of a career path that you would like to follow?

I get your point, but im not in any debt

Even worse, imo. If your parents paid for you education, you literally squandered a great opportunity to benefit from it by picking some meme degree

Company career pages.

I've had way more luck with Indeed OP.


fuck its like some people have never actually searched for and gotten a job in the big world all by themselves

The issue is, I have like no hobbies. I do like fitness, and I do like helping people, but my hobbies currently include world of warcraft sadly. I am not really good at anything. I do have a master's degree but it seems pretty useless. I am 26 and living at my moms house
I actually got a scholarship, the rest of school i payed for myself. I got it really cheap because i half of it scholarship payed for