Why can’t anyone come up with an actual rebuttal to this?

Why can’t anyone come up with an actual rebuttal to this?

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What makes you think there should be one?
There is only power.

Because it's correct? You've either made it or are essentially a debt slave wageing away your entire life. The only thing that has changed is the illusion of choice.

Rebuttal to what? it's a completely mutually beneficial society where everyone gives and takes in both present and the future.

except a small portion of the population doesn't produce but are allocated an extremely high amount of goods and services only because they inherited ownership over capital the rest of society has to rent from them.

Pic related is the rebuttal.

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>ITT CHAZ squatting manchildren whine about how society doesn't exist to serve them in particular when they could just as easily go out and live in the vast amount of wilderness in the world and cut a "real living" where they're the center of the universe (and can die from an infected cut on their toe)

>1% of the population controls all the money and power
>99% exists only to further the wealth of their masters via labor

>mutually beneficial

>just live in the woods bro!

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Everyone can buy capital though. The buy-in has never been lower.

Poor people deserve to be poor

>a small portion doesn't produce

A massive portion also doesn't produce and still gets food stamps and free housing so they have plenty of time to chimp out and burn down productive businesses. But you don't bat an eye over that free allocation.

>someday I’ll be a billionaire too!

lmao rekt
kill yourself glowie OP this is a shitty bait thread

This is slavery, by definition. From Blacks Law (THE law dictionary)
>Freedom - without prohibition on your actions
>Slavery - Under control of another
>Involuntary Servitude - Under control of another, under duress

It's not fun, but very doable. You don't get to destroy our prosperous society because of your sour grapes retard.

>underage newfag didn’t event understand the point

It’s “doable” until the FBI blows your wife’s head off or torches your family alive

People get wrapped up in economic disparities under capitalism, but it has also been the greatest creator of wealth in history. The question is not whether the poor are worse off than the rich. The question is are the poor better off than they would be under other systems.

Socialism creates equality but bringing everyone down to an equally shitty level.

Most of what people vilify with capitalism is in fact corporatism. Abuses of a true capitalist system through public/private partnerships, over regulation, and lobbying.

It’s funny how some like to focus on perversions of capitalism by the government as an argument for socialism, but don’t consider how the same interests would pervert socialism/communism in the same ways (Mao, Hitler, Stalin, etc).

Doesn't have to be in the United States. Most of the world will take in US citizens.

What you call corporatism is capitalism WAD. Extreme concentrations of capital and power are trumpeted by capitalists as good since they are accrued by high performing companies.

How is that any different than extreme concentrations of capital and power in the government under socialism/communism where government owns the means of production?

At least under capitalism there is income mobility. A chance to move up, an actual middle class.

Are they allowed to leave and go live by themselves in the woods? Then it's not slavery.

The fisherman and the businessman

>Most of the world will take in US citizens.
You know you have to apply for permanent residence? It costs money. It's the same process for anyone from a 1st world country.
Also its one of the worst passports as few banks will let you open an account, unless you are a permanent resident, You get taxed globally. don't pay that tax. your passport gets revoked.
US citizens still need to file taxes. They can never be free.

Actually, the middle class in capitalist societies has been dying for decades as cheaper countries with lower standards of living outcompete them. Social mobility is also declining. Capitalism is working very well for the ruling classes though. Their capital is growing and their power is maintained even as their workers suffer.

Prove to me, in ontological terms, that owning property isn't a valid form of labour?

There is no perfect system. People are greasy and selfish. Explain how a different system other than capitalism produces a better outcome.

Replace "power" with "money" and you understand why central banks are evil.

You can do whatever you want


>has no argument
>provides no proof
>demands counter proof of some absurdly irrelevant and semantic strawman

Imagine being such a spoiled, privileged and useless incel that you can live in the most prosperous era of human society and still complain about having to work for a living. Either make it, or take the easy option and shut the fuck up.

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