LOL LINKIES YOU FUCKING RETARDS here are real experts in oracles...

LOL LINKIES YOU FUCKING RETARDS here are real experts in oracles, btw you can already stake with them unlike waiting for sergey to finish scamming you and bouncing.

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oh no no no no

It’ll be fucking hilarious when this happens

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Chainlink already created this entire incentive structure and a full working decentralized network that already secures tons of money. What has BAND done exactly?

copied chainlinks vrf

Made utter fools of themselves. This is why Zig Forums want you to buy it

*trying to copy

They couldn’t even figure out how it work when it’s even solved and laid out for them to copy

cant wait till oracle, google, ey, microsoft, baseline protocol integrate BAND




Fake announcements retards, it like RSR partnering with Netflix...

Exactly it’s all fake
BAND is real

Especially because they will do eventually everything Chainlink can

They will partner with Arbitrum so their nodes not only act as oracles but as EVMs too watch!!’

BAND > LINK guys

It’s happening!!!!!

Glad you finally can agree with me sir.

yes sir band good investment

Attached: Band1.jpg (680x261, 27.73K)

Yes sirs
BAND very good
I trust Asian man with small penis... big white penis no trust ever they too distracted with women

Small penis Asian man focus on program fundamental always... is true....

Cannot wait for future by band

>here are real experts in oracles

Attached: lol2.jfif.jpg (680x510, 62.42K)

You lie
Remember Asian cock best cock and Asian oracle best oracle

No woman need more than 4 inch... just like no company need what Chainlink give

Decentralize oracle not need
Small Asian cock is best cock
Band protocol > Chainlink fraud

Attached: Band3.jpg (1125x2068, 953.28K)

Jedi sword cock
4 inch power of band... like Jedi temple children light saber

This is band... powerful Asian cock

You faggots promote LINK like a plague too, what wrong when another project does it??

they do not know yet the power of small asian cock ... band will show them soon..

Tellor TRB is better

Attached: Band4.jpg (1125x1983, 1.02M)

yes you see...

big cock is not need.. big cock only pump and dump
small cock know how to pleasure...
always trust asian

...but they havent, we are still in cherry picked kyc node operator stage

dont explain to linkies
they dont know yet power of 4inch asian cock

Exactly linkies are retarded.

yes... sergey nazarov big scams...
4 inch very good in anus for women, bigger not wanted...

> trusting chinks and thai trannies about blockchain.

Yeah nah ill take my russian autists anyday of the week

Time and time again
Asians continue to brand themselves as low test
scammy copiers
on everything
they have no shame

low testosterone and small penis are genius..,

your jealousy over asian race is showing...

women do not care for testosterone, body hair, or penis size... asian man is most intelligent and dominant of all and so will be band

Fucking KEK

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