This is an allegory to Adam and Eve, right ? They've just been cast down from heaven

This is an allegory to Adam and Eve, right ? They've just been cast down from heaven.

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B-but anno said the symbolism doesn't mena anything

This board'll hate you for saying it's to do with Genesis. Shinji choosing to be cast down from heaven (instrumentality) to be with Asuka is younger Anno choosing to accept the world as it is and live in spite of his depression, because it's better to feel both good and bad emotion than to sink into total apathy & resignation.
Y'see it's cool to say it's "deep" waifubait in a psychological sense, but talking about religious subtext is pretentious. I'll forgive you this time, but don't make that mistake again.

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Seman weeb-mina-san, next time i'll try not to hurt your kimochis

He lied. In the 1990s, there was a Jack Thompson-type moral panic over anime. Many people in Japan thought anime led people to embrace cults. Anno was simply covering his ass by saying "It doesn't mean anything lmao."

Of course it meant something, anno went to art school, he's no hack.

Holy shit would you christfags fuck off already? This argument is over. The religious stuff in eva is mostly used for surface level visuals on purpose. Thats it.

Lol, I'm not even a christiam but the symbolism in Eva is clear as day.

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No it's not.
By your retarded interpretation, the cross is there to represent Gendo's grief translating into his insane quest to sacrifice the world, ascend into higher-life and become one with god, a parallel to Christ sacrificing his own mortal form to allow humanity to know salvation and afterlife in Yahweh as he envisioned.
When it's obviously just there because it looks hella cool.

the symbolism doesn't mean anything, Anno said so himself, it was only for coolness, Eva-niggers are still trying to deny reality as seen ITT.

>By your retarded interpretation, the cross is there to represent Gendo's grief translating into his insane quest to sacrifice the world, ascend into higher-life and become one with god, a parallel to Christ sacrificing his own mortal form to allow humanity to know salvation and afterlife in Yahweh as he envisioned.

No. you faggots would find symbolism in the shape of shinji's cock if anno inserted a scene of it for lols

Fuck off with your pseudo intelligent bullshit, Evangelion is a cool mecha anime with cool fight scenes, it's not a deep and intelligent retelling of the bible

You seriously think that this wasn't intentional

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full brain capacity reached with this one boss



kinda. it's more of "I reject instrumentality/I decide to eat the frobidden fruit" rather than them being cast out
at least I think. it's not especially clear why shinji escapes instrumentality and we never see asuka's pov at all

shinji is a bodhisattva, evangelion is buddheo gnostic

Nope, no religious symbolism here. Just a cool mech anime with cool fight scenes.

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>This is an allegory to Adam and Eve, right ? They've just been cast down from heaven.
but adam and eve are already allegories. It's all just looping back to our world and real life and our perception of it


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>anno is a FATSUKA HUNGRY fan
dangerously based

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yeah lol , what a degenerate.

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that sounds exactly like what anons saying

Unequivocally based

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A man of culture, I see!

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Dangerously based