This girl was made for guys who can't make the first move

this girl was made for guys who can't make the first move

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Whatever the case may be she's shit and wish fulfillment material, she literally liked Araragi because he tried to save her. She would even fall in love with a lardass if he did the same.

Imagine getting filtered by best girl and liking the children instead

>Noooo a girl has to be fated to love me don't actually fall in love with me because of circumstances like every real romance nooo

Say what you want about her, but Senjougahara has a top tier design.

To be fair all of them do.

Nice joke. She doesn't even have any semblance of personality to begin with. How would you describe Hitagi in the first place?
She's merely a bunch of ironic tropes bundled together without any cohesion whatsoever. Literally a blank state.

You must be retarded if that's what you got from my post.

Spoken like a true twitter npc.

I never noticed

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manga is better.

>subs say "is that so?"

fucking commie

Oh!Great's designs are too blobby for my taste.

Someone didn't watch episode 5.

Forget it, user. Fans of other girls are so buttblasted about Hitagi winning that they have to resort to character assassination in order to delude themselves into thinking their girl has a chance.

>tfw kaiki lets you touch his peepee

And? That's literally the moral of their romance - look for someone compatible, ignore all the thots whose personalities don't match well with yours.

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weren't they about to separate in the novels, or am I behind on the spoilers

But that's what you're implying.
>She would fall in love with a lardass if he did the same
Saying this as a negative shows you clearly didn't understand what this means

literally plebbit girl

Those spoilers are headcanon cope of butthurt waifufags, the canon ending is their marriage.

Crabfags are bunny girl shitpai fags

Musubimonogatari has them get back together now that they no longer have to be in a long-distance relationship. No idea what happens in the later novels.

Crab haters are literally retarded

The only people who dislike Crab are incels. She's literally an author's PSA for young Jap boys on what a perfection of a girlfriend looks like, but it can't be understood by people who have never talked to a woman:
Smart, hot, sense of humor, high conscientiousness - knows what the fuck she wants and works to get it. Works to solve her problems. Good genes, good human, would raise her kids proper. (Incel-vision: too good for me, makes me feel insecure, must do sour grapes sperging. Having children? I'm mentally a child myself)
Has life outside of the relationship - doesn’t use her partner as a crutch, which means no constant demanding of attention. Shares partner's morals and values - falls in love with Rrrrr upon realizing he would just save people without any hidden motive. Supports her partner’s aspirations and goals - tutors Rrrr so he’ll get into college. Clearly defines what is ok and what is not with other women, actually follows her own rules, never causes any bullshit drama. (IV: never was in a relationship, no clue how much these are worth)
Literal fucking Yamato Nadeshiko - going behind Rrrri’s back (because his pride wouldn’t allow him) to get Kaiki’s help (despite hating his guts) against Snek (fucking protect your loved ones, but covertly) is the quintessential Nadeshiko, go read it on fucking tvtropes. (IV: I'm a burger cuck who thinks chinese cartoons are made in America, i don't know what Yamato Nadeshiko is)



Also how she was able to open up to Araragi and be her true autist self around him

And she wouldn't be able to bully Sodachi.

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>too good for me, makes me feel insecure, must do sour grapes sperging. Having children? I'm mentally a child myself
That's hanekawa though

Sodachi is a good girl.

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Made my day.

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Maybe, also probably worst girl.
>this is what a crabfag looks like