Anime schedules fucked, but at least we still have manga. Anything new to read you discovered?

Anime schedules fucked, but at least we still have manga. Anything new to read you discovered?

Tiger&Bunny 2 will air in 2022 - a long way to go.

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A good read.

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Nigga there's no need to make so many frequent threads when everything is dead. They always lead to shitposting.

Not everything is dead though.

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Luckily. That show's threads are good.

Muchuu sa, kimi ni which won the short manga Tezuka price was really cute shit. Someone shared the raw in the untranslated manga thread a couple of days ago.

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Futekiya has free access to their catalogue for the entire month.

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The Fable is one of my favorite ongoings right now

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gay NTR

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Oh crap, I missed it.

Did you saved it all or the link?

Newfags get out

I just saved it.

Interesting. Is there a ripper?

Interesting plot.

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I don't know of any rips from futekiya, I think it's too niche.



Can't you link like a normal person?


We've just had our first shounen manga homo winner, can a guy from a shoujo manga repeat that and win the mc's bowl

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Aren't all shoujo romances Mary Sue self-insert stories? Not a chance.

Golden Days

Purity police be like.

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Don't jinx it user.

I think they must have finished all the key work, since there has been no announcement. Maybe they are done with the seiyuu recording, which is the biggest obstacle as it cannot be done at home.


I hope you are right.

There's a male lead here though and it's by the same author as Ore monogatari, but this time the male MC is aware that the guy is in love with him.
Didn't that have a sad ending

>Ore monogatari
Man, I hated that.

It did, but the MCbowl was won.


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